Your post made we wonder exactly how much I made on my 365 last year so I did some rough numbers:
HFIDP: $3,060 ($255/mo)
HDP: $1,200 ($100/mo)
FSH: $3,000 ($250/mo)
SDP: $1,166 (10 grand at 10% interest for 5 quarters)
CZTE: $2,000. This is a difficult one to measure. In 2011 I didn't pay any in Federal taxes because I have 4 kids and hit the CZTE zone for three months (which has been standard since about 2005). My total income tax bill (Fed + State) in 2011 was just over $2,000 so 12 months of tax free in 2012 was equivalent to about an extra 2 grand in my pocket.
Per Diem: $1,277 ($3.50/day for 365 days)
So, 365 days added up comes to roughly $11,700 for a senior O-3, to give some perspective to the discussion.