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Everything posted by pilot-99999

  1. I am not sure where this leaves those of you waiting for word on VSP... This morning I was approved for TERA - 1 Sep 14! (16 years) (I am a 1998 yr group, 11M core serving in 18X with ADSCs for PCS Aug 2015 and ADV Flying Training NOV 2016) Good luck to the rest of you... may the leak in the dam continue flowing.
  2. Thanks for those who have taken it, I could still use a few more responses.
  3. Hello, I am working on my graduate capstone project for Embry-Riddle and would appreciate any aircrew, especially commercial pilots to take my 10 minute survey. The purpose of my project is to analyze the use of tablets in aviation, specifically their use in the cockpit. Please feel free to email me with any questions or comments at wardt4@my.erau.edu Survey link: https://www.surveymo...blet_survey2012 Thank you. 1.) Name of Primary Investigator: Thomas Ward 2.) Email contact for Primary Investigator: wardt4@my.erau.edu 3.) Institution or Organization sponsoring the survey: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 4.) Scope of Research: This project is studying military, civilian private, and civilian commercial aircrew and their views on the use of tablet devices in aviation. This project intends to examine current tablet use with the survey focusing on human factors as they apply to tablet devices. 5.) Name of Publication(s) where results are expected to be published: Results will not be published but will be available to those who request them. 6.) Date survey results will be made available: Expected to be available August 2012 7.) How results will be shared with the BaseOps community: I will post the results to the to this thread when completed. Additionally requests for personal copies can be made at the end of the survey. 8.) Link to survey: https://www.surveymo...blet_survey2012 9.) Date data collection ends: 7/12/2012
  4. I forget the exact numbers but it was something like 157 were booted and 88 got to stay (of the 2x passed over Majors). There is an AF Times article that has the numbers (but that is about all it had of use)
  5. Anyone hear about Majors not getting a continuation to 20 years after being passed over twice? I am hearing rumors. Has something like this ever happened before? Talk about wrong... kicking out a 15 year officer after recalling 100's of others who had alreay gotten out these the past few years.
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