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  1. Has anyone Palace Chased/Front/etc into a Reserve or ANG unit that is co-located with their last active duty station then successfully used their last PCS move after AD separation to move to a different city? I palace chased into my Guard unit a few months ago, but we are moving to the city where I will be domiciled with my airline gig. I'm trying to figure out if I am still allowed one last move by the military. I'm still within the 180 day timeframe, but the JTR is pretty confusing concerning the subject. I also get that the last move is to your home of record or place you entered active duty, but they are similar distances to where we are moving, so costs should be similar. At the least, I'd like to get some of it paid for if possible...moving is expensive!
  2. Palace chase approved. I haven't received an email from AFPC yet, but my status on MyPers just changed to "AFPC-Awaiting ARC assignment". -11S, 5 and a half months off UPT ADSC to TFI guard unit with my current Sq. Recommended Approvals from Sq, wing, and AFPC. Initially submitted at the beginning of April for a December separation date. Got through wing and AFPC within a month. SAF/PC for exactly 16 weeks. Word is that they've been very backed up and were working through packages with the closest separation dates...that's probably why mine took 16 weeks, given I have a December sep date.
  3. Did your CC tell you to reapply or was it AFPC? I didn't know that was even possible. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  4. It should depend on the tax bracket it puts you in. So, all of it won't necessarily be taxed at any one percent because of the marginal tax rate system. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  5. VSP denied. 2005 11S Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  6. I'm still waiting, 2005 11S Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  7. Are you all just getting the emails or will it show up on VMPF as well?
  8. Can we still transfer GI benefits while having a VSP app in? I know it's a no-go once approved for VSP but what about our current limbo status? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  9. Good point and already done. I thought the PSDM stated that it just needed routed through the sq/cc by 30Jun. Apparently I was wrong. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  10. Just submitted VSP last week and it still says "Referred to wing/CC". Will this be an issue if the wing/CC doesn't submit by COB today being that today is the deadline? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  11. Done. Thanks for the advice. GL to everyone on an approval. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  12. For the "Air Force Reserve Commission" part...does this really matter if we have completed our MOS? I am planning to try to get a reserve gig after VSP but I don't want to select "I request that I be given an Air Force Reserve Commission" if it's gonna cause another service obligations. Any insights? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  13. Has anyone found out if the "Officer Vol Matrix" from the above linked force management site is for the current FY15 VSP? My year group was red on the last matrix but this one shows it as blue. Good thing everything is crystal clear on the slides...parts of it labeled FY14 and other parts labeled FY14/FY15.
  14. I'm not a fighter guy so i have no idea how this cut could/could not help with training etc, but it is absolute horse sh*t that programs like this get cut while programs like TIB is in full force. Where is the disconnect with leadership? They honestly think the members of the AF or general public give a rat's ass about TIB and instead of cutting that they cut programs that put the inspiration into some kid's heart to want to someday be a US Air Force pilot? I wonder how many of us fell in love with the idea of serving our nation as a AF pilot from hearing a friggin band.
  15. MS in Management?
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