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on the fence

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Everything posted by on the fence

  1. Looking to see if any of the ARTs have tried to upgrade the previous $18K retention bonus with the new $30k bonus. The previous bonus was time was indef with no stipulations on time ie could be a 1 year bonus or a 5 year bonus with an option to stop/cancel the bonus at anytime.
  2. Any idea if this will be available to ARTs?
  3. More TAMP issues. Does anybody know what AFI deals with TAMP (180 days of free tri-care)? I'm starting terminal leave next week (Palace Chase approved) and am trying to get TAMP authorized on my separation orders. The guys at AFPC separations are telling me that I am not eligilble for TAMP because I am voluntarily separting from the AD and joining the Reserve (my separation code if FGQ). I forwarded them the tri-care brochure that says if you separate and join the reserves you are eligible for TAMP however that didn't work. Thanks for the help.
  4. Right in line with the number one and two primary action items in the COS of the Air Force's Rated Manning Directive. How else would we get more A-10s for the B-course, rob Peter to pay Paul. This will also solve the rated manning issue, an entire squadron of A-10 pilots looking for a job = back to a 1.5 crew ratio. Brilliant! and also UFB!! https://www.airforce-magazine.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/Reports/2011/November%202011/Day09/CSAF_RATED_ACTION.pdf
  5. "Not a retention problem"... seriously? Nobody has been able to get out for the past two years! I would love to be a fly on the wall at AFPC when the summer VML 7 day opts start dropping. The trick will be to get a guard or reserve slot before the active duty AF starts showing up with all their dudes.
  6. Does anybody know if it's possible to Palace Chase into an ART position? In other words, is it possible to get an intent to hire letter (part of the PC application) for an ART job that hasn't been officially posted on USAJOBS?
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