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Boomer6 last won the day on February 6

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. You're thinking of chang/bashi/gearhog/torqued. 4 chaches in one.
  2. I'm saying being Eskimo bros with Biden could/would be worse. At least HCM was a patriot for his country..
  3. That's exactly how it works.
  4. You fucked Jill Biden? Gross.
  5. Eskimo bros with ho chi minh? That sounds worse than the viet-clap she has.
  6. Can you or CH explain how DoD is to blame for all the shit with fat amy? I can't help but want LM to burn for all the bullshit we're dealing with, but I'm not privy to what the gov is responsible for in that dumpster fire.
  7. If any of that has a chance of getting done I think it's during the current administration. I'm hoping DOGE and SECDEF commit on Lockheed/Boeing/NG/Raytheon as soon as they get done culling the fed work force.
  8. Bros and nsplayr, troll anti-virus is free.99. 1.) Click the dropdown next to your display name in the top right of your browser 2.) Select Ignored Users 3.) Input the aforementioned troll’s name in the container such as gearhog, I mean torqued, or whatever grinder display name he’s using these days 4.) Select the content you want to ignore 5.) Click add user 6.) Profit.
  9. Poland has vipers and is under our nuclear umbrella...
  10. When he invaded Georgia he didn't continue into Turkey. I also don't equate election influence, which we do/have done as well, to knowingly attacking a country that will trigger WWIII. A war like that would risk his hold on power and that's what I think he cares most about. I've got no problem assisting Ukraine, but that's not because I think he's going to invade a NATO country if we don't assist.
  11. Do you think Putin equates invading a country that is not a part of NATO as the same as invading a NATO country?
  12. You know, all this fuckery is getting insufferable. However, I can't imagine having to deal with this crap and be a liberal in the military. Between uniform inspections and Trump's EOs it must feel like the apocalypse cometh.
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