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Boomer6 last won the day on October 6

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  1. Why do you think it should be shuttered?
  2. Who let the geriatric copy/paste an entire article in size 69 font? Someone get that guy a metamucil and take the keyboard from him
  3. Both have proven terribly inefficient. I'd rather we spend money strapping some AIM-174/260/XXX to a submarine and launch those suckers via the ECS with third party targeting from radars mounted on multiple dirigibles across the Pacific..
  4. I genuinely don't know if you guys are trolling with a joint interceptor concept.. The massive waste of money attempting to re-imagine the cold war interceptor, now this time as a joint project, is so painfully ignorant of all we've learned, or should have learned, regarding aircraft design/procurement that congress would probably approve it.
  5. Our past forays into joint fighter design have went so well, we should definitely spend billions doing it again.
  6. Just buy a rope and tie some knots in it..
  7. I commend your optimism, but we can't even design a jet trainer with an ffing boarding ladder...
  8. A jet that's big, fast, guzzles fuel, has poor turn performance, and poor cockpit visibility is every fighter pilot's dream. If we just make them big enough to be nuclear powered they won't even need to carry their own fuel!
  9. Nothing like seeing unranked Georgia Tech win 2 years in a row
  10. Maybe 20M ppl refused to vote for either candidate, and if so hopefully that data will be used by both parties in the future.
  11. As much as I've enjoyed reading US army field manual dissertations on ground warfare, you may want to refrain from getting triggered here. I have made no arguments. I have asked what I thought were logical questions to your previous comments. I asked these questions because I'm curious how Russia could feasibly invade the rest of Eastern Europe (not just the Baltics) after conquerimg Ukraine based on their causulty rate. I understand they wouldn't necessarily go to plaid and line up the ass clowns along the borders from Estonia to Romania and sound the bugle. A more succint way to phrase my questions would be; if russia conquers Ukraine, taking into account current casualties/km of ground seized, how will they have enough ass clowns/or equipment left to to push into eastern Europe? Anti-Trigger Warning: I'm very pro Ukraine.
  12. If those "ass clowns" can't push through Ukraine, then how are they a threat to push through Europe? Would that not spread their formations more thinly than they are in Ukraine? Would it not also move them further from their base increasing their logistical issues? Are the Russians holding a massive amount of formations back that could overwhelm Eastern Europe, but who are not currently being employed against Ukraine?
  13. So is that a yes, NATO is only a near peer to Ukraine?
  14. So, if Russia is a NATO peer, and would be able to take what you're suggesting is large swaths of land. Then is NATO (minus US) only a neer-peer to Ukraine? Based on Ukraine's ability thus-far to stop Russia from taking much of their country, and in some places pushing them back since the start of the war?
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