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Everything posted by ForgotPassword

  1. Using jets to target people who don't sign up for the exchanges or pay the penalty?
  2. I opened this and thought I was in the "What's wrong with the AF" thread.
  3. Where's the ACLU?
  4. Have you seen the mouth breathers out there roaming around Big Blue? lol. Seems like there are more walkers than there are sharp people who 'get it', and that ratio gets a lot worse outside of the flying world.
  5. This is exactly what our young airmen need....more micro-managing from 1Lt McDouche reminding them to do their TFAT/CBT and to make sure everyone understands what color socks to wear to PT and then asking them how they feel about it. Emailing tedious BS is better than face to face and wastes far less time, less painful etc.
  6. Funny thing is the group claiming responsibility has a history of importing teenage fighters from the US, and specifically, Minnesota.
  7. Putin wrote an Op-Ed https://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/12/opinion/putin-plea-for-caution-from-russia-on-syria.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&
  8. Brilliant political move by the Pres....come off hard lined knowing he'll have support from other leaders, appeasing the masses who want to sling missiles down Assad's meat hole....then 90 right and ask Congress for approval, knowing he wont get it, and thus appeasing by default those who want nothing to do with Syria....essentially leaving himself in a neutral and as blameless a position as one can be in.
  9. Anyone ever done it? I'm considering the option because I don't want to add the miles. I have a short term PCS across the country but will be coming back to the same station after 6 months. Will add +/- 6,000 miles to the odometer if I take the drive. I understand that the GOV will only pay for it if it's cheaper than driving, so I am looking into paying out of pocket as well. Any insights or experiences are appreciated. I'll essentially be moving from the pacific ocean to the atlantic.
  10. Yeah I'm sure this will cost her a ton of money, especially being 20 years old and worth over 150 million dollars already.
  11. There's gotta be more to the story with the wankin pilot. A smart kid is faced with "insurmountable debt" and his first reroute to help with the loans is flogging the dolphin online for a bunch of winks? Uh huh.
  12. Am I the only one who came in here thinking it was about fleshlights?
  13. That's awesome. Would be cool if the AF or some pub does an article about him/her.
  14. Who cares.
  15. Not likely to be accepted into any of the armed services, officer or enlisted, with that level of scoliosis.. IIRC 20 degrees is the limit for lumbar. Standards for pilots are likely higher, but I am unsure on specifics for scoliosis. Curved spine + ejection seat = no bueno
  16. Your scenario is assuming a relatively benign environment.
  17. Has that nslayer guy shit all over this thread yet?
  18. We'll find an award that fits your skill set, even if your only skill is writing award packages and you suck at your job!!
  19. 2 jets arrived at Nellis today
  20. Stay on top of your game, throughout your career, with world class training!
  21. Priorities in order and the deep concern for Airmen.
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