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Everything posted by ForgotPassword

  1. And several gay-rights groups still protest his holding of office
  2. Hagel hates israelis and gays, so there's that.
  3. They're gonna do a lot better than 7%
  4. Will lowers be the components targeted or do I need to stock up on complete rifles?
  5. I've read the whole thing, I enjoyed most of it. Read it in a day so it is worth anyone's time. I'll echo the above having read it's entirety and say that it's very unlikely any classified was leaked in this book.
  6. Goes both ways. Several Navy guys flying very fancy and expensive AF birds right now
  7. Depends on what issues you have
  8. Another Q: What sort of receipts do I need to provide on a PCS when using the blue travel card? Wondering if they'll give me problems for staying in hotels that are not on my "route" but fall within the prescribed travel period. IE - Moving from A to B, but stop at C which is 300 miles out of the way, however still only taking the allocated number of travel days and paying the extra gas out of pocket.
  9. Puzzle palace says it is a valve in the pilots' vest, not the jet https://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/07/f22-valve/#more-87307
  10. I think everyone in that theater would have taken the chance.
  11. Wonder how many "no" answers, if any, the survivors would have given when asked if they wish there had been a CCWer or two in there.
  12. Hollywood shooters were also prepared to die. This guy gave up.
  13. Based on the described complexity of his wired apartment and the level of education he was pursuing I would not be surprised if he had the forethought to choose Cinemark for that very reason.
  14. Certainly if one were to empty a double stack clip into him, things would have changed a lot. The kevlar still leaves a lot of flesh open, and if he were to fall over from the impact into the chest, there's a lot of soft spots that are bound to be hit with 15 or so rounds. Might not have killed him, but you get the idea. Regardless, he would at least had been distracted and focused on the CCW shooter and would have given people more time to get out.
  15. Apparently a USAF source has confirmed that the Russians will be participating in the next evolution of Red Flag. I wonder if they'll get to see some of the heritage rooms on base... https://www.flightglo...o-red-flag.html https://english.ruvr....07_03/80124065/ Discuss!
  16. New theory that the F4 had been converted to a drone.
  17. Thanks for that, at least it narrows down who has openings! If anyone knows of any Intel billets, please share.
  18. Question - I know most units hire from within when sending people to AMS, however I do know some AMS bubbas who were right off the street for non-rated positions. Does anyone have any gouge on how to search out these openings? Anything more convenient than calling up and asking?
  19. I'm pretty sure the script has him as an F35 test pilot. Filming has already started at LM in Fort Worth.
  20. We must find her...moar.
  21. Possibly a repost, but saw this online today. All the tanker guys I know have always said they have the most fun...
  22. 1) Being a drone pilot is more stressful than most people realize 2) Still not putting life at risk(not that pilots in current environment are beyond technical risks) aaaaand boom goes the dynamite. Who's got the next round? I'm wasted.
  23. If they can be convinced to but an other than pilot/flyer engraving on the back I'd consider.
  24. I can see the patch design for Bangkok now - A giant question mark with "You got a crank?" underneath
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