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Everything posted by MooseDriver1

  1. To add to this discussion, have had a Model Y Long Range for a month now. Most fun vehicle I've ever owned. I typically drive 20 miles to AF base or airport parking lot and back. 300 mile range more than sufficiently covers that! Blow the doors off most vehicles and never slows down to switch gears. If I happen to feel like driving cross-country, wife has Lexus SUV. Tesla is awesome, especially at the 52K price point
  2. AMEX Platinum now includes HHonors Gold upgrade automatically.
  3. Unless you mean the $200? Those just get credited at end of billing cycle.
  4. It was so quick that I never even paid the initial fee. This was a few years ago
  5. Free cards for family, excellent extended warranty/accident protection and no international transaction fees are some additional perks. Has been my go-to card for a few years now. Bought $200 in United gift certificates the past two years. Never paid any interest or fee on the card.
  6. https://m.live5news.com/live5news/db_348659/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=4flY5zLS
  7. Lots of dumb shizz going on here. As I previously mentioned, F-16 was at MVA (1,600 MSL). Field elevation accounting for normal day at CHS is approx 90 feet on the standby altimeter.
  8. IFR. Cessna was VFR.
  9. F-16 at MVA on downwind/base for practice instrument approach. Vectored directly IVO KMKS. Further details should be released soon by NTSB
  10. I feel bad for anyone associated with this terrible, waste of resources program. Do not walk away, RUN! All the vectors comments and crap talk about taking the DLAB, no thanks.
  11. AD W2 as FL resident and Reserve one in different state once I got off the "never pay state taxes" good deal. Worked quite well and was very easy to file taxes. Didn't get sep pay, so no info on that part.
  12. Add another to the list of happy NBOKC customers. VA refi from 3.75 to 3.25 with 5K credits, a check at closing and all it cost me was rolling VA funding fee on top of leftover principal. Our broker was good, but think I would've been more pleased with Dave from reading all the comments. PM me if you want more info. As for MoversAdvantage, most of the realtors they pair you with aren't the ones winning local and national level awards! Use a real estate friend to recommend one and it can be beneficial for both of you. My wife was leery of using a bank she'd never heard of and tried to find every reason as to why NBOKC was trying to screw us over. That all changed when the lawyer/notary showed up to the house at the time of our convenience with the entire process being done in about 4 weeks. I've already recommended NBOKC to friends doing summer moves and will keep doing so in the future.
  13. I'm sure others are dealing with. Have been throwing 10% for almost 14 years into TSP and am trying to figure out what I should do with it in the future. Have stopped all contributions since joining the Reserves a few months back and now have an airline 401K that I will be maximizing. Is it worth rolling my TSP into the 401K? I have lots of tax free contributions that I'm sure wouldn't carry over to withdrawing from 401K in the future. Additionally, might be a bit safer to have some diversity in my investing. Any other pros/cons or recent experiences?
  14. Doesn't move you up AFPC functional list, but your boss doesn't fight to keep you off of one. More likely instance is a 4-6 month AEF deployment, but you get my point. I definitely appreciated the 365 handed to me while my PC was being routed!
  15. 1-1 PC is gone BC they were so "successful" last year. 1-3 traditional PC has been around and people have been getting approved with it for years. Two keys 1. Have a position number and/or hiring letter for an ANG/Res unit. Though not required for officers, you won't get approved without. 2. Know the manning level for your year group/AFSC at Sq/Wg/MAJCOM level. If you're in a critically manned block, odds of approval are lower. Good luck and know that it's hard to turn back from PC. Once you submit, you will be viewed as a short-timer and move to bottom of list for good things (promo/assignments/awards/jobs) and top for a 365. If you can handle all this, it is totally worth it when you get to the other side. AFPC functional policy is to not recommend any PC asking for anything above 12 mos. Doesn't mean SAF/PC office won't approve anyway, but better chance if you're asking for 12 mos or less.
  16. AMEX Platinum. Search for the particulars on previous threads. Bennies are fantastic for zero fees annually.
  17. Good idea. Just shows how much ISR procedures vary. My 1288 had all 3 endorsements completed when I submitted. Also, it can sit at AFPC going thru their wickets for a long time, have your CC or someone with full CMS access check on it and it will show who it is sitting with, their email and a phone number. I knew my functional and he did the leg work in getting it through all the stops in less than a week. Find something that works for you and keep on them so it can get to SAF/PC. They used to meet and review packages every other Wed, not sure if that timeline has changed. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  18. Letter not necessary if your 1288 is filled out with your gaining unit info. Can't hurt to have one I'm sure, but completed 1288 seems to be the key in getting approved. Unless you're within a year or your AFSC/year group is showing an overage, your functional will not recommend, but I'd say you still have a pretty good shot. Good luck. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  19. 1. Do not lose benefit 2. Incorrect. Got feedback on one of my PC disapprovals from SECAF office "friend of a friend". Any additional ADSC counts against you as a negative factor towards approval. So even though they run concurrently, having 4 ADSCs is worse than having 1 requiring waiver. When you think of each ADSC as money invested in you, it makes sense. 3. Your initial commit that requires 2/3 per the reg is commissioning source ADSC, not UPT. Policy on UPT waivers has been up to 6 years in FY14/15 Force Shaping windows. 4. See #2. Good luck Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App! Somewhat agree with post about pressing to test, but be careful Is your leadership going to support you? Realistically, you will stop getting pushed for upgrades/schools/promotion or strat'd higher than those who aren't showing their cards even with a CC who doesn't write you off. Not trying to discourage you, just make sure you're prepared. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  20. PC approved on 3rd attempt and denied FY14 VSP. 11M - 2000 yr grp Less than 1 yr UPT ADSC DOS already established after 3-day opting a 365 Hiring letter in hand or ARC SQ and WG/CC recommend Trying to move my DOS 15 days right to have time to outprocess and take all my terminal. Anyone have a template of MFR to get this done? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  21. Most recent start matrix I had to fill out required not just the standard 1, but the last 3 PT scores. You can't make this shizz up. As soon as they remove one variable from the equation, they just start measuring another unimportant one to make up for it. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  22. Dr Robert Varady in Fairfield, CA is easy to schedule and very knowledgeable of the FAA process. Gotten my Class 1 there twice now with zero issues. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  23. What I hate about these things is that people are being crucified when they haven't even been convicted of a crime yet. I'm not saying to keep it under wraps until all legal matters are complete, but once you've painted the picture of a dirtbag, they will remain a dirtbag even when they've been found innocent of the charges. Standard AF, guilty til proven innocent. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  24. Taxiing without clearance on your T-6 contact check is just a technique. Rest of the ride went great. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  25. I had the referred to Voluntary Separation Pay Off on mine, but so have people who were approved... Unlike TERA approval indicators, don't think there are any for VSP
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