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Everything posted by MooseDriver1

  1. VSP denied. Year group no longer has overages. Should have just focused on traditional PC I guess. Anyone know places that have position numbers available? 2000 11M UPT ADSC til Jul 15 Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  2. If they go red today and intend to approve those that they have already in hand that owe ADSC, that would prevent another 2000 11M who doesn't owe commitment from applying when there are still 2 weeks left for submissions... doubtful, but I guess I'll just sit here and wonder for the next two weeks since I can't apply for PC until they announce the results. I'm generally a pretty positive person, but I'm starting to feel like a broken record.
  3. Haven't been able to see new matrix. 2000 11M. If overage is gone, please tell me now that my VSP is denied and don't wait til after 1 May. I signed up on 6 Feb, is that too much to ask AFPC?
  4. I have yet to hear directly from a confirmed pilot who received an ADSC waiver in person or on this forum
  5. I'd like to see the look on the AFPC Retirement and Separations Branch Chief if this is true. If anyone wants more info on my source, PM please. We all saw the same guidance, but I've asked around at the base in question and nobody in the Sq seems to know who it is...
  6. Just received verification from AFPC. I already have a separation app in system, so no new CMS case required. If I do not get selected for VSP, I will default to DOS criteria established in AFI. ** All apps that required waiver are being held until application window closes on 1 May. They will then be batch processed. ** - directly from AFPC Separations Branch Chief So, if you have an ADSC that originally excluded you, you can stop checking CMS 10 times a day and just continue to wait..... Sorry it's not "you're getting approved tomorrow" news, but at least it's something official. From AFPC's standpoint, this allows them to get through all those with no ADSC remaining and then determine if they need to approve any with waivers. The they will approve the people in each yr group with the least amount....
  7. So check this out, only way to successfully 3-day is apply for separation and have an approval number and date established when you turn in the denial paperwork. Just so happens that this is the same app in vMPF where you apply for VSP and we've all highlighted that you can only apply for one program at a time. My CC called Chief of Separations Branch today who didn't know the answer and said he would get back to him, which of course he did not. I know somewhere in this process over the next two days someone at AFPC or in an MPF-type career field will tell me that I have to pull my VSP app to apply for Separation in Lieu of and I will "kindly" tell them how completely unacceptable that is.
  8. Absolutely no chance that I would roll those dice! Training date at the end of the month, so I think this one has been turned down a number of times already... Sorry to the next person down the list, hope they don't have an ADSC that prevents them from declining. My Sq/CC and another one both called different functionals at AFPC who didn't know whether 3-day opting would cause a member to be VSP ineligible. I wish I could say I was surprised.
  9. Oct 2000 STRD. Tasker required O-4 with Evaluator experience
  10. Just got officially notified of my 365. It's hard to tell from PDSM (I know, big surprise), but when, not if, I 3-day opt, does that automatically make me ineligible for VSP? How convenient that it hasn't been processed yet even though I submitted 6 Feb and has been there since 21 Feb
  11. It is quite the ancient piece of tech, but it is way simpler than dragging a CAC reader everywhere and somehow it gets a signal on even the shittiest of third world country airfields. Then again, you also have a digital tether and check email when on leave....
  12. I'm on leave, but have been checking my BlackBerry about every 15 minutes in hope of some VSP movement! Come on, let 3 April be the day....
  13. Another rec for Sheppard Air. Studied for a few days and felt nervous about being potentially underprepared going into test - Finished 120+ questions in sub 30 mins and collected my 99% grade sheet on the way out. Spend the $50 and get your CFII, like yesterday
  14. Nice work AFPC, very solid - 2000 11M, late to rate with UPT ADSC until mid 2015. Denied Palace Chase for 2 years of ADSC first time and 18 mos the second time. - VSP app submitted with concurrence from Sq and Wg/CC's and still in limbo awaiting processing since early Feb ------------------ then on Friday before starting a weeks worth of leave the email comes down informing my CC that I'm on the 365 day TDY vulnerability list and to be prepared for selection..... BRAVO, BRAVO.....
  15. Of note for the enhanced PC rules, member has to have a Reserve/Guard position already when applying. With normal PC rules, officers have 90 days to find a unit and position number after approval. Also, 120 day waiting period for resubmission after disapproval is gone. None of this verified by speaking to human being who has any power to make a decision, but by reading shitty PDSMs that constantly reroute you to another document instead of just listing the pertinent info, so acknowledge as only gouge at this point.
  16. No retainability with only 1 year of ADSC left. AFPC already played that game with me when giving me a non-vol non-flying assignment with only 6 months to go before I could 7-day opt. But, I see your point.
  17. I am at a complete loss for words. Just when I think there is no way that this shit can get any more f'ed up. I've been turned down for Palace Chase twice already, my cards have long been laid out on the table. Have 1 yr left of UPT ADSC and I'm just hitting submit anyway. Worst they can do is say no.
  18. Applying for VSP and trying to determine which separation date would be more likely to be approved. A date in the next few months getting me off the books quicker for the AF or setting it a month later which would only mean waiving 1 year of UPT ADSC? 2000 11M, not eligible for RIF but nothing says we're not eligible for VSP and we have a blue box in or matrix. Also have GI Bill transfer ADSC that expires before UPT by a few months, think that will be an issue? Plan on flying with Reserves and will fulfill that commit there if that's an option. Don't want to pay back for my wife's MBA!
  19. 18 mos requested. 2000 11M. Sq & Wg/CC did not recommend. Disapproved the same week FY14 Force Shaping info comes out.
  20. Palace Chase disapproved for best interests of AF. 11M. Asked for 2 years UPT ADSC tranferred. Sq/CC recommend, Wg/CC did not recommend. Interested units, but no position number when applying.. Try again in 120. Thanks a lot AF.
  21. This. TC was one of the good Sq/CCs that you're jealous of your bros who get to be in his Sq while you're stuck Box Checker CC. He had a prior life outside of aviation, tactical (WO) experience and knew how to deal with people. When he dropped his papers, it definitely was a shock as he was on the path. I'm positive that this wasn't an attempt to blow up the system, he just didn't want to play the game anymore and is looking forward to moving on with the rest of his life. Excellent article BTW
  22. Was it denied or returned? ir, do you have to wait 120 days to attempt again. Just to reiterate this point, the regulation is a mess
  23. Trying to finalize my PC application. In-service recruiter here says that officers must have a AF1288 signed by a hiring unit before they can even submit their application to Sq/CC. Couldn't find a reference for this in the reg and wanted to see what others have done. I have Reserve units interested in hiring, but don't want to commit until my PC has been approved. Thanks for any and all help. 11M. ADSC expires 2015.
  24. Have wanted to post on this for a while, but didn't want to provide ammunition for any side until the case was over. Still somewhat concerned, with the things that have happened, who knows if Double Jeopardy even matters! Avoidable mistakes were made on ALL parts. Unfortunate, but it is the truth. Were they criminal in nature though? I don't believe so and I think some great leadership stepped forward during the case to ensure that this didnt go out of focus. Axle is a good dude in a bad situation and a guilty conviction would've been a travesty. As for accountability, a lot of it needs to be directed at our own community. There is no formal C-17 course that instructs personnel airdrop with live bodies. Altus syllabus incorporates every AD platform except for the one most likely to lead to a malfunction and potential fatality. Dry passes are completed, but there is no training for the JM briefing, which is the base for affecting safe personnel drops. For pointy noses, have you ever been told to drop live ordinance in a combat area that you haven't previously trained on at the range? Altus doesn't have the Army bodies to put on the DZ a couple times a week, so it's not realistic to hold them to that expectation. LM syllabi have figured this out and restrict LMAD grads from dropping PE until they have dropped live bodies with IL supervision to a P level. Don't even get me started on the lack of HALO training! To put it all in perspective, a "qualified" crew could have been sent on this JA/ATT with no supervision that had never completed a PE pass with actual jumpers going out the doors. That might sound unrealistic, but lots of CPAD types don't get the opportunities with deployments, PCO, SOS, Masters and the standard 5 day mission once a month if not more. It's much easier to log the bean in your Phase sim or on a 2-ship dry pass at the aux field. Then they get sent to ACAD where they don't build those skills and are full up. The available TTP's and guidance continues to improve, but a lot of PE AD is experience and being knowledgable with the jumpers TTP's. As for the discussion about AIB/SIB, this was an Army loss of life, therefore the AF was only a contributor to the Army investigation per the Safety center. I feel awful for Sgt Campion's family and friends and wish this avoidable tragedy could've been avoided. I also have a lot of sympathy for the crew (both in the air and on DZ) who have to deal with the outcome and the reflections about what could've been done differently. I can only imagine how difficult that has been and will continue to be. Hopefully, the lessons learned from this will at least prevent the same thing happening in the future. To date, there has been nothing distributed command-wide to that effect. All I've seen is folks willing to get rid of their AD qual and pointing fingers without all the information that might significantly change how they feel.
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