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Everything posted by MSE

  1. I have to switch cell phone providers before I head to Vance. What does everyone recomend? I have been looking at AT&T and Verizon.
  2. I got dates about a week after I was selected in dec 2012. My recruiter sent me a excel spreadsheet with OTS and UPT dates. OTS July and UPT October at Columbus. Does anyone know if reserve guys get a OTS class letter like active duty does?
  3. I can't answer that but it raised a question for me. Where is everyone keeping their boat?
  4. Thanks, that's what I was wondering.
  5. Does the UAV possibility apply to the reserve guys too?
  6. What happpens to the 815AS UPT guys? I was picked up in the December board...
  7. 53rd as in the hurricane hunters? And done as in shut down?
  8. I am not even getting the option to go to IFS. I have OTS July-Sept. then I start UPT in Oct. No waiver, they just did NOT schedule it. I have a PPL with just over 60 hours.
  9. 25-30 years ago, peanut butter was peanut butter, now its peanut butter and 69 other preservative chemicals.
  10. No problems when I went. Doc asked me if I have any issues since and I told him no. He said drop your pants.
  11. That does look like it.
  12. My grandfather flew in these during the Vietnam war. My mom thought it was a called a Chinook but it doesnt look one to me. Is it a Piasecki H-21?
  13. If you click on view flashcards and put your cursor over the card the images show up.
  14. When I took the color vision test at WP it was on a small laptop. All of the colors were grey at first. Turned out the screen was tilted too far back so the nurse/tech. tilted it forward some and made a world of difference. I went from seeing the first couple of numbers to seeing pretty much all of them.
  15. Good to know about the time frame. I'm scheduled for April 16 so it's still cutting it close for the next board... Anyone else heading up next week?
  16. I know this is an old thread but I didn't want to start a new one. I heard this for the first time the other day. Is this at all true? What I heard was people who washout from training would have to repay the cost of their training and if they went to the Academy, then the cost for that as well. I can't find any info about this anywhere so I'm thinking BS and you would just get assigned to something else. What happens if your there on a Reserve slot?
  17. Has the FC1 physical results time frame gotten any faster now that it is at Wright-Patt? Does it take the same amount of time to get results for Reserve's as the other branches?
  18. Is this confirmed to change or just a proposition? What happens to the 815AS at Keesler?
  19. Would the guys who made it or got alt. post your PCSM and AFOQT scores if you don't mind? I'm just curious to see how they are picking this time. You can PM me if you'd rather not post that info.
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