Sorry for the long post but as the creator/owner of this data I thought it was my place to explain what the purpose of these slides and what’s the desired effect.
BLUF: The intent of these slides is so I can show the TX, SD, CA, OK congressional delegation, the great work we are doing and beg and plead for more money.
These are programmatic slides the staff uses to present to pencil pushing number crunchers who only care about the bottom line. Congress often asks, how much do you cost me and what are your results? Right or wrong, these slides are examples of how we on the staff translate combat airpower into dollars.
Absolutely they are skewed to make the Bone look good. Almost every MDS PEM on the staff has slides like these, they range from $/DPI based on certain weapons (bomber guys use these) to Investment $ / combat sortie usage (A-10 guys use these). Viper and Strikes don’t need slides because everyone up on the hill loves them already.
So when you start to operationalize these slides by asking about sortie duration, loiter time and what type of weapon is needed to create the desired effect, you can easily shoot holes in them. Remember that’s not the intent of the slide.
The only true telling indicator in this data is the AFTOC CPFH. Most people quote CPFH #s from AFI 65-503, those numbers are much less because they do not include some Depot Level Repair or contractor logistic support (LO platforms live and die off of this). Basically the old school CPFH #’s you’ve heard all of your life are basically reimbursement costs, i.e what we’d charge Paramount for using CAF platforms in a new movie. AFTOC data is the true indicator.
With regards to your original argument; will the LRS-B be cheap, and what will go to the bone yard 1st the Bone or the Buff? Continue to speculate, but I’ll tell you this, if sequestration happens, it won’t matter because your debate will be the equivalent of just rearranging deck chairs on the titanic.