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About Zepplin559

  • Birthday 02/04/1980

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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Hurlburt is now a sadder place, may God comfort the families of those we lost. A toast!
  2. Ah, Murtha's "greatest hits"... The world is now a better place with him gone. Sorry, its the Jack Daniels talking... Wait, no.
  3. That moniker was bestowed on the 319th by some nameless retard from another squadron. We do not EVER refer to ourselves that way and anyone who does will pay the price.
  4. I flew the next day, didn't think anything of it. The site was a little sore, but nothing I couldn't ignore.
  5. Once you get to Offutt to start FTU, you are considered PCS'd to Offutt, assigned to the 338th CTS.
  6. Zepplin559


  7. You can go fly the Twin Otter for the jump team there, I have a buddy in that squadron. Pretty sure you have to have a connection to get that job, though.
  8. Not a huge fan of NPR, but I thought this was a nice article about the venerable 135. It was a nice airplane to fly. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...toryId=95484569
  10. We just got on station when we got word of the incident, tried to provide a little support - not much we could do from an ISR perspective.
  11. Steve, Check out "Air POwer Against Terror" written by Benjamin Lambeth and published by RAND. He spends quite a bit of time explaining how that mess happened. Its a really interesting book. Once again, the Army can't play well with others, then try to blame the Air Force for their screw ups.
  12. Anyone got a link or anything? A true patriot.
  13. I didn't know that they had even been reinstated.... There were no team sorties when I went through Tones at Vance in '03. That sucks for you guys, those would have been pretty cool.
  14. I like Cooter and Scooter had a blast at Kadena. The golf course is really nice and a great deal after 2pm/3pm, depending on the time of year ($6 for as many holes as you can play). The base has some decent restaurants, the club is good on Friday nights, and CoCo's rocks! Don't forget Okuma when you need to get away from the base and of course the diving and snorkeling are excellent. Jake, definitely take the assignment to Kadena! [ 06. December 2006, 20:39: Message edited by: Zepplin559 ]
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