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Everything posted by slackline

  1. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/23/trump-biden-first-debate-420189 Ok, so I get that you will say it's Politico, so it's "fake news" but you guys keep letting "seadog" or whatever open his trap, so I think it should be allowed. Also, I want to restate something I've said many times, I think Biden is also despicable, just not as gross as Trump. Goes without saying that Pelosi and her ilk are also just abhorrent people. That being said, these are quotes from the Trump team. Not spun, just their words. The guy they've been trying to say has dementia is somehow an amazing debater according to them now. Just funny stuff. Not really looking to prove points here. Gotta inform yourself reading Fox and Politico right? Otherwise you can't make informed decisions... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I'm sure this is ok. You sound well adjusted. Tell cops to stop shooting people. You see how dumb it sounds when baseless allegations are thrown around without proof. Especially with the vitriol you seem to be spewing... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Possibly one of the dumbest things said here. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Good response. This discussion is what we need. Here's a problem I see with your response, maybe I read it wrong, but you can clear it up. You completely ignored what I said about the looting. That is what I'm talking about on here. Things are cherry picked in the responses to facilitate one side of the argument. By replying in the way you did, it implies the other side agrees with the point you're arguing against. Riots, not looting are an ugly, unfortunate part of a democracy. A last resort to a people that feels left with no other options. Tea Party was not looting. I don't approve of or condone attacks on federal buildings, but that is a better option than attacking the local community. If you pay attention to the leadership of the social justice movement, they don't condone looting or violence at all. They are pleading with people to keep things peaceful. You say there's a bit of virtue with the colonists. I agree. There's also some virtue when POC have pointed to problems in the system, countless datasets that back up their claims, and gotten responses like, "pull yourself up by the bootstraps whiner, and point to some example of a POC who did. That's so ignorant. That's ignoring the insurmountable odds most face. That's like saying, work hard in practice, and you'll make the NFL (very loose comparison). Yes, it's possible, but it's ignoring just how difficult it is in reality. And you're kidding yourself if you think the numbers of racists on the right and left are equal. Of course there are some in both sides, but go look at the data that exists in hate groups. Not really any on the left. Now I can see it already. Someone will cherry pick what I just said to point to and say "slackline said attacking fed bldgs is okay" completely ignoring everything else that has been said. If that makes you (not Kiloalpha specifically) feel better, well, like I said, people so firmly in their camp can't be reasoned with... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Do you believe everything that pops up in your echo chamber FB feed? Common sense man... People twist words of political figures for their narrative on both sides of the aisle. Funny thing though, you don't have to twist anything the Pres says, they're bizarre and ridiculous enough on their own... Totally who should be running the show. A guy who literally doesn't seem able to restrain himself. Words mean things, but it's cool because he knows he "could stand in the middle of Times square and shoot somebody" and he wouldn't lose a voter. You guys will excuse it as a joke or sarcasm, but the second Fox/Limbaugh/Hannity/Carlson takes something said by someone they disagree with totally out of context you guys jump on it like it's gospel truth...[emoji2361] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Kiloalpha said: Slack, serious questions. Which party, in your opinion, best represents the looters and rioters? Response: I find it very interesting the way you chose to word this. Sincere response: neither party represents looters or rioters. I would put money on the fact that the overwhelming majority of looters and rioters aren't voters and don't care, beyond superficially, about the issues they are abusing and using as excuses to loot and or riot. Looters more so than rioters. What candidate for President do you think they will vote for? Response: See above. If they vote, probably for Biden. If you think this question is legit, then I have one for you that shows how silly this question is. What candidate/party do you think white supremacists, or the people driving their cars into peaceful protestors will be voting for? Looters or white supremacists aren't representative of the majority... Which media outlets/personalities have excused their actions? Response: caveat to my answer, I don't watch any news channels really, but this is a question you already know the answer to, and is ridiculous on the surface. What does media have to do with it? Idiots that can't think for themselves watching either side's media believe everything they see/hear on that crap. Can't work with those people. The ones we should care about are those willing to have an actual conversation and critically think about the other side's perspective. There are members on here who say they listen, but they don't. I respect a lot of what guys like FLEA have said on leadership topics, but think he's too firmly in the camp of systemic racism is fake" to actually listen to other's ideas. There has been great evidence posted right here, not just from WaPo , that he and others immediately dismiss because (speculation on my part) he isn't affected by it, or it doesn't fit his/their narrative. What media outlets/personalities have consistently excused abhorrent statements or ethically questionable things made/done by the President? and... Do you think any of the looting and rioting is justified? Response: looting absolutely not! Rioting, we're on the balance of condemning history, and I think only history will accurately judge riots for social justice. I think Boston Tea Party is similar. POC feel underrepresented and oppressed, so when they are continually ignored (as has been done similarly by people on this board who ignore the mountains of evidence that has been presented here, yet in an out of hand fashion, dismiss it without real thought) what options do they feel are left to them? They want/crave attention and change. People won't listen because they don't believe it is real. Largely because they don't feel the effects. I'm sure at the time, people ignoring the issue of taxation largely condemned the Boston Tea Party. I recognize that is a loose comparison, but you get the idea. --Please excuse typos, straggling sentences. Typing this crap on an iPhone gets tedious and easy to get lost since you can't see it all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. You keep at it guys! Trump is proud of you. Deny anything and everything that even comes close to making sense because it doesn't fit your narrative. Also, you guys keep saying Democrats are encouraging violence. This is confusing to me. What exactly are you stretching to evince this? This is coming from the party with the President quoting "looting and shooting", telling people at his rallies to beat the opposition, etc. The President! That checks... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I guess I'm just not seeing the same awesome results you guys are... He's done some good, but I'd say the balance is not in his favor. I'm not here to say anything that hasn't already been explained, then completely ignored on here. One thing Pres Trump has going for him is the inexplicable ability to inspire absolute loyalty in spite of his obvious lack of concern for anything or anyone but himself. His followers, because I don't know what else to call them, have an amazing ability to ignore everything he says and does that is clearly beneath his station while buying everything he says is "thanks to him" as gospel truth. Obama created a serious divide in our country, and Trump thought it looked like fun, so he's run with it on steroids. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. That's legitimate. I can respect that. I have listened to his words from this time exactly. Unless someone is acting as an apologist for him, hard to misinterpret. As to leadership, I have to disagree. I love where he has taken the country in some things with respect to other nations. Other things not so much. I'm not referring to his actions per se, but the way he does what he does. If you call that leadership, then we have starkly contrasting definitions on what a good leader is. To me, and probably most of the world, it also requires a "how to treat people, and interact with the world" aspect. He doesn't seem to care. It isn't refreshing. By the way, I seriously disliked the Obama administration, but that man has those leadership traits in spades over current CinC. Edited for autocorrect... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. You guys are asking the wrong question. Has any president ever not been willing to admit if he loses, it's just because he lost? Hardly recycled from Bush. Say squirrel all you want. Is this truly important? Very well could be, but it could also be more bloviating from an expert in the area. It is more evidence to his true lack of any leadership ability though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. President Trump has refused to openly acknowledge if he loses, he'll allow for a peaceful transfer of power... Instead, he chooses to continue pushing the narrative that the only way he loses is via fraud. Sounds like he's a pilot on baseops. About par for the course. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/17/senate-republicans-renounce-trumps-election-claim-417036 His own people may be starting to recognize the absurdities he spouts... Probably not, but every once in a while, even they have to disavow some of it... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Hey, has anyone swept or raked their local forest lately? #Sciencedoesntknow... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Maybe I’m too much of a cynic, but I can’t help but feel that at some point, the other shoe is gonna drop. We’re going to find out that what he sold/gave away/back-channeled to make some of these deals happen aren’t necessarily in our best interest. Fully admit, that’s pit of the stomach speculation, but this CinC doesn’t exactly inspire confidence that anything he does is on the up and up. I’m sure I’m in the minority here, but while I fully admit Israel has gotten beat up, is surrounded by enemies and have had more than their fair share of raw deals, they aren’t exactly innocent. They wield the US as a weapon over there, and frankly, I think are bullies... You carve out a chunk of your backyard for the family that used to live there 10 years before you moved out and tell me how much you enjoy having them there... I know, not an apples to apples comparison, but you get the idea. So, I’ll say, who cares about the Israel policy? Not the most popular idea, I know, but what are ya gonna do? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/09/politics/trump-bob-woodward-interviews/index.html Curious what will be said to explain this away. Maybe he's lying (Woodward, not Trump), but there's audio. That's our CinC, bragging like a child about a photo with Kim... He has access to the nuclear codes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. No, I haven’t. While I do know people who have talked like this, they aren’t what I’d consider stand up guys. You simply sound like someone who disguises misogyny with “Locker room” talk. I apologize if I mislabeled you, but your statement would lead one to believe it isn’t a stretch. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. You’re kidding yourself if you are believing the garbage coming out of Fox? What brawnie said about all MSM, liars and crooks out to make a buck. They push whatever narrative will drive viewership. Don’t do the whole, one side is lying more than the other shtick though because that’s disingenuous at best, dishonest at worst. Right and Left will lie straight to your face all day long. They do! Look at the president for goodness sake! This is probably what I hate most about politics, or I should say politicians; pot calling the kettle black! Blind to their own shenanigans while screaming about those of the other side of the aisle. Peddle your one side is worse than the other nonsense somewhere else. They both suck! Equally, sometimes for the same crap, sometimes for differing reasons. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Nailed it! Great personal attack when you have absolutely zero evidence to back up what you’ve just said. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. I see you don’t do sarcasm. Clearly it isn’t hard, and I did, in fact, say it wouldn’t surprise me to have a bunch of idiots. There are also clearly people with masks in this photo. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Unsure which septuagenarian you’re referring too? The one who can’t walk down a super steep ramp? Or the one who recognizes he’s in a high risk category, therefore keeping an appropriate distance away from them. Please be more specific. ETA: I think both men are absolutely horrible options for leading this country. Why can’t good people make it to the highest levels? Maybe I’m an idealist, but I don’t buy the argument (unsure if it’s FLEA who’s made it or not) that people don’t care about the morals and ethics of the person in the office. I also don’t buy that you can’t remain a good person and make it to those levels. Unfortunately though, there are more stupid people out there who’ll buy every argument the liars make, and those stupid people get a vote too. I still don’t know what I’m going to do when vote time comes. I do know that one makes my skin crawl a lot less than the other, and he currently represents our country. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Yeah, you see masks everywhere. Maybe not on everyone, but there is a lot of evidence that a pandemic is going on. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. You’re right, Trump never is incoherent... Why do people continue to make this stupid point. For every video of Biden (I’m no fan of Biden BTW) you can probably find 2 or more of Trump allowing hot air out without making a single point. Except maybe how awesome he is and how unfair the media is. Also, super great slam on someone trying to show actual leadership and set an example of what leadership is requesting people do... What a tool for trying to do the right thing. He should make fun of someone with a disability instead, or refuse to condemn extremists that support him. That would make the Trump crowd happy. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Dang, you beat me to it... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Have a date, location or source for the BLM protest shot? I fully believe you that there were probably a bunch of idiots not following mask and physical distance rules, but looking at that picture, you can’t see any masks anywhere. Not even hanging around necks or off ears. I find it hard to believe that zero people were following guidelines in a crowd full of “bleeding heart liberals”, but sure, go ahead, post something that makes you look lazy. I’m sure it would have been real tough to find an actual picture supporting your point... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Dude, normally I agree with everything you say, but this is a stretch. I think I know you’re not being 100% serious, but still. Comparing a 17 yr old KID who, allegedly, crossed state lines with a weapon, where he clearly wasn’t needed or recruited, to an active duty member of the military, who is clearly needed and was recruited is nowhere close to on point. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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