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Everything posted by slackline

  1. Didn't say it was. You guys will accept a reality tv star, so a law professor should be a step up... My point still stands. You seem to think your slice of the world is the only one out there. It kills me, the staggering amount of people that think combat experience is somehow a magic pill for making "impact decisions". Might it help? You bet. Maybe JFK was a totally mediocre guy in the military. We all know that just because the citation on your medal and your OPR say you're a hero, it doesn't mean it's true...
  2. Considering the CinC is surrounded by experts from every slice, this is an incredibly questionable statement. What makes combat experience (such a teeny, tiny sliver of the things POTUS does) so much more important than a solid understanding of the law for POTUS? If you think combat is what takes up most of POTUS's time, you watch too much TV.
  3. Appreciate the dialogue that doesn't contain childish insults or sources like Rudy Giuliani or OAN. We'll just agree to disagree about the magical panacea, mostly because I'm not sure what you're referring to, what your definition of leadership is, and many other things that might be covered by that blanket statement. I'll try to define what my idea of leadership is for you, and then we can shift from their to get on target. Contrary to many fighter pilots' beliefs, EQ is actually incredibly important, even in the vault or stepping, or in the middle of a long sortie in combat. Someone on here recently dismissed it as if it weren't important because they "just want someone who will hack the mish," or something equally as shortsighted. A leader in combat should definitely be proficient in their specific mission set, but if they don't know how to actually work with different personalities their tactical prowess will only last so long, and they're inviting problems down the road. I'm not sure how everything isn't a leadership problem at some level... Sometimes leadership means you picking up the slack and doing it yourself, sometimes it means letting your people stumble through the mental gymnastics to figure it out on their own, and sometimes it means you find the right people for that specific problem, or simply giving your people the parameters in which they should work and being accountable to the consequences. There's chasms of difference in how to do those things and everything in between. But that's leadership. I never said MX officers should be running the AF. Their flavor of leadership isn't a cure all for every problem, but unfortunately, until very recently, the AF did a piss poor job teaching their people anything real about actual leadership. The only people who got that training were very senior, and even then, maybe they did some, maybe they didn't. I'm sorry, but combat leading is just as niche as running a MX squadron, maybe even more so, and I can't force you to see that, so I guess we'll just agree to disagree there too. Most of my time in the 60 is combat, so I don't disagree that it teaches you valuable lessons, but not every AF level leadership problem requires a split-second, life or death risk decision. Most of it is actually very boring. If you only know combat level, tactical leadership, you'll be ill prepared for dealing with other required types of leadership problems. Again, nothing I say will apparently make you believe this, but that's your deal, and anyone you supervise will have to manage. Not saying you're not a great leader, maybe you are, but I'd put solid money that if your attitude is that only combat, aircrew leadership is the way to run the AF, you have unhappy people in your organization. I know a lot of great leaders in the AF, but they don't rely on their experience in the cockpit for real leadership 90%+ of the time. They have worked on making themselves better leaders to benefit the people they are serving. They read up on how to be better, not just in the vault... On the pick of Harris being a racist thing, "whatever Russ, whatever..." That's a fairly cynical, myopic viewpoint. I think she's a crappy politician, but that's my opinion. Plenty of people don't. See, Sim's post about 73 million people thinking DT knows how to lead a country... We're all entitled to our opinion. If you label them all as stupid, I can't help you. Heaven knows there's plenty of people on the left labeling all Trump supporters as stupid. That's doing wonders for our country... No clue what you're talking about on CA, don't really care. If everything in CA but the Redwoods and Yosemite fell into the Pacific Ocean tomorrow, I wouldn't mind. CA is full of crazies, so of course they're going to do/say stupid things.
  4. I'll bite. Not surprised with Trump. Surprised with people's continued defense of his actions/"leadership". Surprised officers think Trump has any leadership skills whatsoever. Surprised it isn't clearly, painfully obvious that he has way less leadership capability than virtually every president in recent history. I wasn't a fan of Obama before or during his presidency, but he clearly exhibited more leadership capability than Trump has at any point during his 4 years. By yours and the other points made here, making decisions doesn't equate to leadership. Being an executive, running multiple failed companies doesn't equate to leadership. Being a reality TV personality doesn't equate to leadership. By your question, I take it to mean a person has no place running the Free world without massive experience in leadership? In your incredibly wise opinion, what's that bar/limit? AF officers have no place in most leadership capacities by your logic. "Leading" a two, fourship or , whoa, an LFE is actual leadership? Leading a squadron with maybe 100 people? Stop kidding yourself. MX officers have twice as much leadership as most of us pilots by the time they're Captains, but that's heresy in the pilot's AF. People get offended, but you are being hypocritical saying Obama had no leadership experience when you claim your own experience is actually leadership. Trump made for "ok" reality TV, that's it. He's been a failure who was given a massive jumpstart by daddy, and survived off name recognition the rest of the time. I'm using some hyperbole, but you get the idea... I'd almost guarantee that most of the intelligent people in this board, if I were able to give them the amount of money Trump was given by his daddy, would be just as rich if not moreso by now. With a much less questionable history (you know, misogyny, disgusting comments about dating his daughter, and clear evidence of racism) and a lot less bankruptcies... But Trump is a great leader, sure. Seriously, a PT boat skipper equates for you? You're probably in the group that includes leading an LFE as massive leadership experience and thinks a fighter pilot could easily lead any other type of squadron because they know BFM... People often aren't prepared for the govt position they're given. They are surrounded by people invested in ensuring they have good advice and help. Most depend on that. Some, Trump, ignore it because they "know" better than everyone. Trump's publicly claimed as much. He knows more than his generals about all the military decisions he's made. He said so... Great leader. You guys win. ETA: Let me clarify that while I do acknowledge leading in combat and even in LFEs is actual leadership, my point is that it is a very specific form of leadership that doesn’t slice across all situations nicely. I’ve led in the flying world and the non-flying world. Two different animals. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/18/republicans-denounce-trump-krebs-cybersecurity-437716?cid=apn Yup, ridiculous when your own party can't understand why you fired a guy you appointed for no reason other than doing a good job. Weird... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I absolutely agree with you that he isn't the only one to ever do it, and at times for shady reasons even. To be clear though, are you saying the rate at which Trump has done this, and the frequency with which he does it for the specific reasons he does it are commonplace in the executive? I think you'd need to prove that point if so. All presidents have done it, no one is denying that, or calling it a threat. Just pointing out a very common trend with this particular president.
  7. Dude, Obama wasn't a guy I voted for or liked. Barking up the wrong tree. Correct me if I'm wrong, Obama is more or less guilty of chronieism than Trump...
  8. You're right. Not abnormal in the slightest in this revolving door administration. Firing his own political appointee because he's a lauded cyber-security expert who doesn't stand by while he spout lies from his bully pulpit. As Sim says so frequently, nothing to see here. Just making sure my propaganda machine is unhindered from things like truth and fact... Not worth another reply, so I'll just throw it in here. Gerald Walpin was a Bush appointee removed by Obama. Totally the same thing... Good point...🤦‍♂️ Makes me wonder, what administration has the record for most upper level positions constantly being rotated like we've seen the last 4 years. Is this the first time, or have there been equally "temporary" admins in the past?
  9. Oops... https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-election-challenges/2020/11/17/ea741372-28f6-11eb-8fa2-06e7cbb145c0_story.html Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/trump-fires-head-u-s-election-cybersecurity-after-he-debunked-n1248063 Trump fired Chris Krebs via Twitter for having a spine... What a stand up president. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Love it, there's that class shining through. Clearly a mature, valued member of any squadron. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Relax, this is his game. You're just playing into his hands. I did for way too long. Not worth the time, I'm just trying to save yours. He'll continue to post stuff without explicitly saying what he really means, then attack you with all the immaturity he'll later accuse you of. Go back and look at his stuff. From time to time he says something intelligent, then attacks like a kid again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. And not too mention the secretary of state in GA is a Republican. He's getting pressure from Rep lawmakers, to include L. Graham... Seems legit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Somebody recommended it in here before, but I think everyone should have a mandatory watch of The Social Dilemma on Netflix. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. You guys take him seriously? Talk about a vitriol fueled rant... He has some decent points, but when he's so incredibly angry, hard to take it seriously. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Tempted to "like" your post just for this alone. I would have had you said, "should just fall off into the ocean..." Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I gotta disagree with you on this one. The country is not evenly divided, and it is unhealthy for all the big cities to be making the legislation that governs the rural areas. Electoral college is the best prevention against one specific ideology running the country while alienating an entire half of the country. It's a good way to keep the masses from voting mob rules. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. You'll never get answers. Give up. It's like the Biden laptop with all of its damning, foolproof evidence. Gonna change the election, smoking gun, etc. Mum's the word on it. They threw a hail Mary bluff with it, but in truth, had nothing. You'll never hear a mea culpa on it. They'll say, but the true media, the YouTube army says it's true! MSM wouldn't let it be published... Some other such garbage. Remember, I asked about this very outcome before the election. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Beyond awesome! Thanks for the share. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Is it just me, or does Uncle Rudy look like he got into Trump's spray tan? Maybe my phone's color is off... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. https://www.warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/H.I.G. McCarthy, & Staple Street letters.pdf Neat. You have anything saying those issues weren't addressed? Why would you believe a bunch of YouTubers, but not Trump appointed DHS people? Seems odd his own people would get in on the conspiracy to throw out their money ticket, don't you think? That just doesn't check... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Parading another YouTube warrior who is clearly qualified by his owning of a mic, a camera and a YT account. No wonder you guys are such ardent defenders of everything Trump does. If that is the bar you've set, then yeah, a conspiracy theory doesn't seem so crazy. You have let Trump and all of these other completely unqualified people lead you down a primrose path... It's just not true. It actually hurts to see so many highly educated people buying everything coming out from all these YT experts and anyone with a mic and a camera. They're clearly not doing this stuff to drive subscribers and views on their own channels, therefore making more money... What would be more entertaining and drive views? A conspiracy theory with drama saying the election was stolen, or the more likely eventuality that the election played out almost exactly how it was predicted? Early lead for Trump because he downplayed the Rona and pushed for in person voting, followed by massive waves of mail-in ballots leading to a flip of that lead...? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I was simply commenting on the fact that you constantly rail on and on about emotion being left out, so I found it odd you'd share something from someone who was so clearly emotional. I'd love for you to go back and point to my emotional arguments. Please. And you talk about using other sources to discredit things like it's bad... I'm taking a page out of Trump's playbook. That's where he lives. Zero facts, smear campaigns and attempts to discredit others that don't agree with him. At least every source I've used comes from reputable, highly informed people instead of consiracy quacks. Then when you don't like it, you say it's straight out of the communist playbook. Tell me that's not using emotional, baseless arguments... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. It was really hard to miss... Took up the entire right side of the screen. All jokes aside, I miss easy stuff too from time to time. Yesterday, I didn't know seadog's /s thing meant sarcasm... We all miss stuff, no biggie, but I helped you out and pasted a pic of the rating...
  25. I made it easy for you. Based on their score of 34.5/100, it's not worth taking the time to watch his videos. I tried, but he has an awful lot of something you deride in his voice, emotion. Couldn't finish it.
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