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Everything posted by Winchester

  1. The fact NM is a state pisses me off. Sorry for the Pointy nose fellas, I escaped after a 7 year tour....only cost me a career and a family....shit will buff out though. Thanks AF!
  2. I believe there will be quite the reckoning in the next two years for "mother" AFSOC. A1 has no idea what is about to happen when ADSCs run out for the bulk of their "experience". They aren't even planning for the level of attrition that "might" occur. If manning is bad now....just wait, it'll be a bad day over Hanoi for the clerks. I'm sure other MAJCOMs will suffer the same fate but the above quoted mentality in AFSOC will be their demise. IMO.
  3. What argument is there for AC-H/U/W to AC-J not to incur the 3 yr sentence? Similar MWS maybe?
  4. A Hamilton standard prop would work for herc and P-3 bubbas alike...
  5. I was being serious. That is a good buddy of mine that chose AWACS and I'm stoked for him.
  6. Hell yeah, AWACS!
  7. Best part other than the kc-135 and two f-16s being in the back drop, was the LL Cool J cameo...
  8. . Nice snow globe you live in. I know at a minimum 12 people at Cannon that refused to touch the 4th with a ten foot pole. Now guys are getting forced to. Weird. The U must be so awesome... At least it may soon be with a new commander....
  9. And there are dozens of videos I'd love to post to demonstrate how "precise" grandpa's 105 musket is. The SMEs claiming the 105 is the cure for AIDS are mostly geezers whose last engagement was Panama. I'm neither for nor against the 105, but to claim that it is a must at the detriment of progress or logical engineering is stupid as shit. People like you and so called SMEs will search for any excuse to discredit the W and the PSP. Good thing you aren't who we work for and requests our abilities. That mindset is decades behind and only slows progress. Your mentality is what will eventually cost lives if we end up with a H++ gunship.
  10. you are on crack.
  11. Exactly, STFU. Continue to eat your salads.
  12. So let's do a fox news special on it then.
  13. OPSEC
  14. I said killing/body count not shooting, yes and I meant manned anyway.
  15. FWIW, I've never gone more than a week without shooting. Granted there can be dry spells and some boring missions but everyone has those days/nights. Bottom line check the scoreboard, there is always somebody that needs some killing in the world and gunships do it more than any other platform.
  16. I am super stoked for the guy. When I was a kid a neighbor of ours was dating a Buffalo Jill and I was absolutely floored. At 10 yrs old I thought she was the most beautiful woman on the planet. For the record, many of those girls are really smart; working on law degrees, med school, etc. Edit...okay sounds like most strippers but for real though.
  17. Cannon is for you. Stop bitching.
  18. Find a Hilux and ship it over. Diesel, good gas mileage (without armor), and pretty damn tough.
  19. 21 mins from 9-line to splash....doesn't appear that anyone was in much of a hurry. There was plenty of time to confirm friendly positions/unass the 9-line. 9-lines are methodical for that reason.
  20. . The NBA?
  21. Sign up gents.
  22. "Just put her in mech gov and we'll monitor the rpms, pilot." "Eng, we're still in parking. Are you drunk?"
  23. Ummm I was told ISIS was just "JV". So confused... Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  24. I'm in. Pm on the way. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
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