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Everything posted by ThreeHoler

  1. Hands up, don’t shoot brah! Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  2. They should still give you a one time uniform stipend as an officer candidate. It is to pay for mess dress and other uniforms. You’ll need it again at UPT and beyond. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  3. Passed out and unresponsive is a wee bit more than “one too many.” Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  4. Except that the immigration system is horribly broken. I know a former exchange pilot who couldn’t apply for citizenship because he wasn’t “really” part of the US while he was in exchange for 10+ years in multiple airframes. He had two masters degrees, was independently wealthy, and was denied the ability to become a US citizen through the process because he was “ineligible.” Total crap. My sister was adopted from overseas...my parents had to get our Senator involved in her naturalization because the immigration process was (and is) so broken. She was a few years old and had lived in the US since she was 7 months. They would. It process her paperwork for many stupid bureaucratic reasons. Fix the process!
  5. But not delivered Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  6. They’re already calling out sick in record numbers according to CNN. And it is a “huge safety issue.”
  7. Sounds like it is time to turn in daily local vouchers for mileage. $68.48 a day round trip for 128 miles a day.
  8. I would suggest clicking the retire button as soon as you’re 12 months from eligibility. Different situation but when my buddy didn’t get continuation past 20 they cancelled all his ADSCs and made him retire at 20. So maybe...they’ll cancel your ADSC and let you retire.
  9. But does the F-15X pilot have to do his crew chief? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  10. Did you try to 7-day the PCS so the ADSC only took you to retirement eligibility? They’re (DoD) supposed to be booting all non-deployable. But Mattis is gone so who knows if that will stay. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  11. Maybe he meant chafe? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  12. You’ll get no spears from me. People in the KC-10 freak the out about going secure or lights “out” or turning off ATC broadcast. I’d bet at least 4/5 can’t even use a bullseye correctly. And you want them to think about threats and mitigation? Good people in the community but they are all fat dumb and happy burning holes in the sky. You’ll get no spears from me.
  13. Regarding aviation pay...there is no change to the gate months. The addition allows fliers in those specific positions to continue aviation pay even if not gate complete. Para 3.3.b covers the rest of us in OFDA creditable positions (flying positions / API coded). Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  14. It’s a pitch and sampling frequency thing. He doesn’t drop the f-bomb but with the right background noise the clip sounds like it. The internet is going crazy for this now.
  15. Supply chain logistics. The tail of the KC-10 supply chain is long and expensive to support 59 aircraft versus 400-some KC-135s. The KC-135 mission set draws more dollars for upgrades, etc. Rumor: Boeing has been trying to kill the KC-10 for years. Probably not true but fun to say. Jets are supposed to start disappearing from McGuire sometime next year (depending on delivery of “operational” KC-46s.
  16. Until Fingers is replaced. Or until every other eligible person there has deployed for at least 45 days...then it is right back to STRD and # of short tours (listing 2 short tours...you’re probably ok). But I would caution anyone who is counting on the current policy to save them.
  17. Sorry, you’re right STRD in those years. Typing while in line at the grocery checkout will get ya every time.
  18. The MAF Facebook page shows 2002 STRD and earlier O-5s “hot” for 365s. It shows 2007 STRD and earlier O-4s “hot.” Fence in accordingly. Edited to correct wrong info. The MAF Facebook page has a bit more detail.
  19. Pallet positions are iffy at 18 total because of the formatting height for cargo to fit under the curve. More likely is center load only at 10 (I think). People complain enough already about the formatting height for the KC-10 and it is much higher. For the 100 pax thing...that requires the roll-on lab that can’t be serviced without removing the cargo. Or did they fix that? Not hating on the plane. I think it has good goals. But the problem is the AF is replacing KC-10s with KC-46s. And that will be some serious capes shortages in certain missions. None of those require any of the other things like low light or DS. I hope it does well but odds are against it right now. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  20. That was 2018. 2019 is 2.6%.
  21. Not really “RVSM” upgrades. I’d agree with CNS/ATM upgrades though.
  22. Pussy. But seriously...thanks for your service and good luck in your future endeavors!
  23. “One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine...” - supposedly some Soviet Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  24. 65% is the official target and has been for years. They know and are unable to legally change the bonus. They have several studies showing where the bonus needs to be to retain 65%. It was $70K/yr a few years ago when the study was done. Congress (mainly the late Senator McCain) denied several requests for higher bonus payouts over the past few years saying they thought the AF could fix the retention issue other ways. I hope you get a chance to learn more about how the AF works at IDE. Because right now it is obvious that you are ing clueless.
  25. I’m sure this new direction from DoD is totally unrelated to the acting SecDef’s former ties to Boeing. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
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