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Everything posted by ThreeHoler

  1. We had plenty of morale and camaraderie years ago without naming parties and roll calls. Besides...how would you schedule something like that since at least 1/3rd of the squadron is gone any given day. If you want to improve morale then ease the pain of soul-crushing ops tempos. The bullshit we saw in 2011 with the swell time for a CENTCOM deployment overlapping the AFRICOM deployment since they were different theaters. We are still seeing the effects of that mess.
  2. Post solo naming and not a lot of alcohol used. Lame and no one really wanted to be there. Not lame because of lack of alcohol. Just a lame concept overall. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  3. I heard they found some new problems flying them across the Atlantic and Pacific. I would be surprised at an acceptance unless they have already downgraded several deficiencies. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  4. Well there go all the gains that Fingers said to make. I’d like to know more about what happened. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  5. No, but the rank and file Amazonians are toiling away. It sucks to be a picker. Or even a floor manager. Not everyone gets the Tony Carr job. It is even worse for all the Amazon version of TCNs...the third company employees who don’t get $15/hr or any benefits to work just as hard as throes getting that cash. Speaking of $15/hr...the rank and file lost their “pay” of shares when Amazon went to the new $15/hr. They’re actually making less now but it looks better.
  6. Apparently you don’t know much about what airline unions do to protect pilots. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  7. There is no requirement to say “red dot” before doing the right thing. But it is still dumb. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  8. It never gets old. Never!
  9. No, the point of the card is the kickback the wing/base gets for people using it.
  10. I think ATM fees and CA fees were cancelled because OCONUS M&IE were designed to include them. I’m not sure though. Yes, use what was actually charged on your Citi statement. Don’t forget the 1% currency conversion fee on all foreign transactions. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  11. Deep thoughts by Jack Handy. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  12. Mighty kind of you, Champ. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  13. Other countries hav been flying the KDC-10 which has had a camera system far longer and the boom doesn’t have compatibility issues with some fighters (A330 MRTT has some issues still). The KC-767 does not work well. Neither the Italians nor the Japanese are terribly happy with it. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  14. I have no idea how you made it this far...or you’re still trolling. MLR.
  15. Yup. But for some reason there is this fear of losing wings when the real concern is will you be grounded or not. I think you and I are in agreement. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  16. I’ve been on the FEB for someone. It is heartbreaking to be the judge of an aviator at their FEB when they care and have been trying but just don’t have the aptitude. I can tell you the four of us (3 voting, 1 non-voting) took the job seriously and it weighed heavy on the 3 voting members. But like the others have said, the true purpose of the FEB is to evaluate your ability to continue in aviation service to the USAF. And, yes, we do wind up with people who have been ACs in one community fail out of training in another. It sucks for everyone involved. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  17. If everyone is following 11-402 there are only a few situations where they can take your wings: “4.5.3. An FEB, or any subsequent authority in the FEB review process, may recommend the respondent be prohibited from wearing the aviation badge. This recommendation is appropriate only when: (a) An individual is disqualified for discrediting the badge through misconduct or willful violation of flying regulations or procedures, (b) fear of flying, © cowardice or refusal to fly in combat, or (d) when the aircrew member fails to become a productive member of the aircrew force through factors over which he or she has control to include attempts to resign from training, attempts to impose limits on rated/CEA service, and/or failure within rated/CEA specialty clearly due to lack of effort or motivation. If an FEB recommendation is to prohibit wearing the aviation badge, separation action according to AFI 36-3206, AFI 36-3208, or AFI 36-2209 as applicable should be considered with respect to the needs of the Air Force.” Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  18. So you failed out of IFF... And you failed out of your new airframe... Multitasking is your problem... ...then it sounds like your problem is you probably shouldn’t have graduated UPT.
  19. You are quite the optimist!
  20. You can retire with less than 2 years as an O-5. You will be a “Maj (ret)”. It requires a waiver to be “Lt Col (ret)” with less than 2 years. You will still be paid on your high 36 months of pay including the months of O-5 pay.
  21. You will need a waiver as previously stated to get out of an ADSC at 20 years. https://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=ADSC+regulation
  22. Also, once offered continuation there is a huge process to removing someone from continuation. The 157 Majors were 2x non-selected and NEVER offered continuation. Totally different scenario.
  23. Factually incorrect. 11X O-4 passed over 2x for O-5 can currently select continuation to either 20 or 24 years on their form.
  24. There is no ADSC with continuation.
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