He directed that crew rest can be waived to 0 hours by a Sq/CC because he once had to launch an alert crew as CFACC. He has talked about 69 is initiatives to improve QOL but so far they are all vaporware.
Considering Hornets only show up to the fight with about 1/3 as much as the Strike Eagle...color me less than impressed what you get when the Navy is in town.
I think Metallica has something to say about what happens at the end of every military career: “All the wants you waste All the things you've chased And it all crashes down And you break your crown And you point your finger But there's no one around Just want one thing Just to play the king But the castle crumbled And you've left with just a name Where's your crown, King Nothing?” BL: Be careful what you choose because in the end are you going to be surrounded by family and friends or are you going to be another O-6 King Nothing?
We have a similar problem. Wifey went to the urgent care that was given as in-network by the nurse advice line. Just got a bill Tricare won’t cover because they classified it as an “office visit.”