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Everything posted by ThreeHoler

  1. Can't have a late weekly WAR report, you know. Very important stuff for the wing historian.
  2. Shortest I know of is 12 days after EAD, but that was many years ago.
  3. https://www.acc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123445279&source=GovD SSgt Muscarella is a badass.
  4. Unless you were qualified (passed a Form 8 checkride) in the aircraft, it is initial qualification. Since you never flew the T-6 note 1c applies and 1b doesn't.
  5. Samsonite...way off!
  6. https://www.airforcetimes.com/story/military/2015/04/13/gao-report-kc46-demonstration/25712589/ The GAO doesn't have any faith in Boeing's claims either.
  7. James died and everyone else scattered to the wind over time.
  8. Oh my God...Zero just came out of the woodwork???
  9. He’s run this town since time begun Like a barrel to the head from a loaded gun He ain’t your friend and he ain’t your foe But take heed now, don’t fuck with joe
  10. That is the plan.
  11. How the fuck does someone fail an SOS assignment?
  12. So, you did see there was the option to take $25K/5 years or $25K/20 YAS, right?
  13. militarycac.com for all your CAC gouge needs.
  14. If someone was uncommitted eligible...they're likely to only get 8ish years of bonus which would put them at 120K vice the 125K for 5 years they turned down before. Not such a great deal.
  15. Anything about any of the older FY groups (13, 12, 11) that still have time on their 5-year bonus? I'd take another $75K at this point if it was offered.
  16. First world problems.
  17. McGuire or Travis. Replacing KC-10s after Pease is covered.
  18. Can we choose our default page? I, myself, prefer Timeline to Notifications.
  19. OPB lists "complete" whether it was residence or correspondence. Duty history on the OPB and the TR from resident DE (in most cases) means it is not masked from promotion boards.
  20. But, but, but...his point is to NOT pick his battles!
  21. From JQP's Facebook page. I can confirm its existence.
  22. If you can get the Apple brick to stay plugged in...gravity's a bitch.
  23. Are you talking about your vector? Because everyone's vector contains "complete DLAB" unless you have a score already. The DLAB is used if you want to do foreign IDE or other special programs. If you want an ASG program, step one is to talk to your CoC and step two is to put it on your 3849.
  24. Not sure where the second $18K comes from since the overall limit allows up to $53K total contributions.
  25. Yes you should get out of USAA. The fees are ugly. And take advantage of the included Vanguard portfolio recommendations rather than use a lifecycle fund.
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