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Everything posted by ThreeHoler

  1. If you add a final / after forums you will stop getting the warning.
  2. Chappieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  3. Same answer as last week. Contact the IG if your chain has not responded to your request for processing and is in violation of the AFI.
  4. Couldn't decide where to put this (Welsh thread, here, or other places) so I figure'd I'd put it here: https://www.military.com/daily-news/2013/09/17/welsh-f22-flew-to-drones-rescue-off-iran-coast.html?ESRC=airforce-a.nl "F-22 rescues MQ-1 in Arabian Gulf."
  5. Do you have an AF survey control number?
  6. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Confirmed-Shooter-at-Navy-Yard-One-Person-Shot-223897891.html
  7. Supposedly the shooter came in with a shotgun and grabbed the 9 and AR off guards he killed.
  8. Your level of douchebaggery never ceases to amaze me. You have got to be a troll.
  9. "Leaders" who don't know their people are different from a stoplight chart are douches. Here is the deal...for a "100%" opportunity, why the fuck do we have wing selection boards? Also, do the tards who come up with this shit realize that other bases send everyone because they have more spots than eligible people?
  10. Chrome on PC is giving a malware error for the BODN forums. Says malware is hosted on url4short . info /
  11. Wow, you are bitter.
  12. These are take rates direct from AFPC as of 10 Sep. Only finalized (signed, faxed, and approved) agreements are included in the numbers. 20 days remain for people to finalize. It will be interesting to see what targets are hit and what ones are missed. C-5 take rate is really pushing up the AMC number. You can call Bob and his answering machine will tell you how many agreements are in work. I might call tomorrow just to find out.
  13. MAJCOM take rates: AMC ~35% PACAF ~37% ACC ~40% USAFE ~42% AFSOC ~45% AFMC ~52% AETC ~53% GSCOM ~67%
  14. Update 10 Sep: 20 YAS - 5 - 0.71% 20 YAS w/50% upfront - 73 - 10.30% 5 years - 259 - 36.53% Overall: 47.54% take rate.
  15. https://www.afsoc.af.mil/news/story_print.asp?id=123342547 Google and the GAL are your friends.
  16. What is this I don't even
  17. https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b73_1377873910 "Oops." Saudi twist reported by the Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/10266957/Saudis-offer-Russia-secret-oil-deal-if-it-drops-Syria.html
  18. Officers may not be physically driving ships or subs, but the 18 year old helmsman sure isn't there to make critical decisions.
  19. Are they moving from Beale? Edit: stupid fucking Apple device.
  20. 1992 called. They want their email back.
  21. Your Wg/CC is full of shit. Or the 3-star that briefed last year's ACSC residence class that they were directed to mask the AAD for the future O-4 boards is full of shit.
  22. Glad someone remembers.
  23. Goofy grape guard shit.
  24. Probably logged as "OO" on the 781. Any KC-10 IP that would let that guy get in the seat is a jackass. All kinds of O-6 and above put every last airplane they've logged time in on their bio. Standard.
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