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Everything posted by ThreeHoler

  1. What are cahones? Are the anything like cojones?
  2. The glut is O-6s staying to 30, O-5s staying to 24, and O-4s staying to 20. It is why the pin on rate for 03 has been stuck at 113/mo.
  3. Depends on your PAFSC. If your PAFSC says 11F and you have one of the correct RDTM codes (listed in the PDSM), then you qualify. If your PAFSC says 11T...then you get the 5 year plan by the PDSM. YAS is determined from your ASD (Aviation Service Date). Unless you have exceptional circumstances, your ASD is the date you started UPT. Example: I started UPT in 2002 and I am over 11 YAS. You're the dude that bought at what was likely the height of a housing bubble instead of renting. No one to blame but yourself. The AF pays us to rent, not own. That said, I'm willing to take a risk and own a house, but I bought at a much lower market point.
  4. Google dump:
  5. Chrome is giving a malware warning on the Donley thread.
  6. Anyone able to get the ACP link in AMS to work? Got the robot email earlier today and I keep getting a "page not found."
  7. Huggy's Depends are probably full. Makes him cranky.
  8. Sounds like a SAPR briefing topic.
  9. 11F = an extra $100K before taxes but you'll be committed to 20. 11 everyone else = no change.
  10. Release is tomorrow. I provided the links for people to find the information themselves as soon as it goes on the web.
  11. Last year's PDSM was FOUO... The ARP info is here (updates are already starting): https://gum-crm.csd.disa.mil/app/answers/detail/a_id/5111 All PDSM are here: https://gum-crm.csd.disa.mil/app/answers/detail/a_id/24198
  12. Who really gives a shit whom he fucks?
  13. https://www.centralso...tail/story.html Probably NSFW because of the pictures.
  14. I think it is less of an anomaly than people think...since most of the people who come here come here to bitch.
  15. It's not available on AFPC. Are we sure he's not looking at a different document (AFRC/ANG only)?
  16. I like dissenting opinion. Truly, I do. The most fun I have in my AAD courses is lobbing the "this doctrine sucks" grenade followed by the "and here is why" napalm. What disturbs me is that all it took to really unhinge him was being called out on his rather poor slippery slope argument that Wilkerson cheated on his wife and therefore could never be trusted/was a sexual criminal. I don't know if Wilkerson was or was not these things but I know the argument was based on a logical fallacy (as are most internet arguments, reference, for example that my declaration of slippery slope was intentionally couched in the chosen phraseology to make an ad hominem attack against his CCP persona). It also disturbs me how quickly he devolved into rabid mouth-frothing with strong anti-social/psychotic leanings...I think Rainman had this one called from the first time. The boy needs some help. I also think it was hilarious that he never realized that some of us pegged him as PYB from his first post and have just been waiting for the meltdown.
  17. The things I read from other students at the "graduate level" make baby Jesus cry. Do I write good in the Internet? Not always, and yes that was intentional. But I do try to write clear and concise thoughts down when I am communicating at work. No part of my illustrious AAD work has done a damn thing to improve my writing or critical thinking. It has improved my knowledge and understanding of doctrine.
  18. Bullshit. Requirements are Captain with 6 years of service and SOS complete via either method.
  19. Did someone save it? The rant is already gone...
  20. Boy, this slope here sure is slippery!
  21. Skimmed the article and didn't see any reference...what is the propagation delay for the signal from aircraft to satellite to ground station?
  22. This right here is the definition of a dude who is so dead set on railing against the system that he fucks himself. SOS in correspondence is so fucking easy, you don't need the gouge. A retarded monkey could pass it by throwing his shit on a wall at the letters A through D and pick the answer that wasn't shit-covered. I did SOS without gouge. I did ACSC without gouge. I did SOS with time spent during my normal working day. I know many who did the same thing. And if the primary duties are done at work, I allow my people to work on their professional development at work, be it their SOS or AAD. I'm far from perfect, but I firmly believe that us "middle managers" are more of the problem with the system than the senior leaders. Good luck, Mr martyr-dude. I hope you find a job where no one expects you work more hours than you bill on the time sheet.
  23. Man, how did I ever get promoted to O-4 without even a BAC+?
  24. This is my #1/69 beefs with "the system." I despise those who push the first draft onto the ratee. My experience with my own OPRs has been similar. I was actually taken aback when my rater wrote my O-4 PRF draft and sent it to me to make sure he didn't miss anything important. I was expecting to have to write it myself. I start every OPR by opening the shell with blocks IV and V blank. I write almost every bullet from scratch, except in the case of a 'team' bullet that all my ratees worked on, then I might craft one bullet for the team and re-use it in their OPRs. Is it time consuming? Yes. Does it take a lot of work? Only if my ratee gives me lackluster inputs. But that is my job as a rater. I do my best to accurately reflect the contributions of all my ratees and I write each OPR to the level of stratification (or lack thereof) they have earned. I hate writing OPRs. But I hate watching people struggle to write their own more. However, I give my ratees the option to attempt writing bullets should they wish. Most of the time I don't use their bullets in any way, but it gives them an opportunity to see how they wrote a bullet versus how I would write a bullet for the same event. Hopefully, it will help them when they have to write bullets for their ratees. Sadly, this is one of those things that we, the unwashed masses, can address and fix by standing up as a group of FGOs and CGOs to write OPRs instead of pushing it to our ratees.
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