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Everything posted by ThreeHoler

  1. Kind of hard to use my iPad when it's charging in the lav.
  2. IIRC, AMC policy is min charge of 50% to fly with it, then 10% for every hour over a five hour flight. 100% charge required for >10 hours of flight/duty day. Charge the fucking thing before the first flight of each day. Problem solved.
  3. It takes a month for the change to take effect. Roth TSP became available 1 Oct, which means that the first month you can contribute to Roth TSP with MyPay is November. The government does not post your payment into TSP until the end of month paycheck. Therefore, if you elected a Roth TSP contribution in Oct, the pay would be withheld in November and deposited 1 Dec. Your mid-month LES should be lower than last month... Make sense?
  4. Ah...takes me back to the good old days of things like "the gauntlet" where people often got broken bones/noses...
  5. Isn't A/TA the only conference that wasn't outright canceled this year due to budget? I wouldn't complain too loud...
  6. All she had to do was pop the kid out and let her parents "adopt" it. Just like all the dumbass Academy dudes who get their girlfriends preggo...you can't have dependents. Simple as that.
  7. https://www.move.mil/home.htm ?
  8. Because he knows how to pick his battles.
  9. https://www.au.af.mil/au/soc/course_20.html Eligibility. US armed forces officers (Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, and Civil Air Patrol) selected for the grade of captain (0-3) or above are eligible for enrollment into the SOS DL course. Federal civilian employees in the grades of GS-9, WG-10, WL-9, and WS-8 and above who possess regionally-accredited baccalaureate degrees and who have completed their probationary periods (that is, have finished one year as federal employees) may enroll. International officers and civilians may refer to AFI 36-2301, Paragraph 11.3 for enrollment criteria and procedures. There are no time-in-grade restrictions for any of the eligible categories. For example, the SOS resident program’s 7-year TAFCS restriction (ETCA 36-2223, formerly AFCAT) for active duty officers does not apply to this distance learning program.
  10. 2013 contribution limits: IRA - $5,500; Elective Deferral - $17,500. Defined Contribution - $51,000. https://www.irs.gov/Retirement-Plans/COLA-Increases-for-Dollar-Limitations-on-Benefits-and-Contributions
  11. Only for IDP. Unless there is an actual shooting incident. IOIAP: There are accompanied tours to Bahrain, and there have been for many years. Weren't there also accompanied tours to PSAB back in the day?
  12. I have known Garrett for a very long time. Sadly, I lost touch with him. He was an exceptional person and officer. He will be missed.
  13. You really need to take a class on effective communication.
  14. But that's a sunk cost! The AF is saving ~$327,000 per 1Lt twice passed over and ~$6,600 per 1Lt once passed over! How is it not a boon to our coffers????
  15. There are about 10+ reservists at Travis and McGuire who are completing their last two years as AD at the base where they were in the reserves right now because of sanctuary.
  16. Their fee schedule sounds terrible. https://investorjunkie.com/6285/sharebuilder-review/
  17. Three cheers for the Turd in Hand!
  18. Funny...our CSAF barely graduated with his 2.01 GPA and all. Guess those bottom 100 are terrible.
  19. Dumb? Or Dumber? Let's put another shrimp on the barbie!
  20. Unless you're talking about a "fruit basket." Similar to "the goat."
  21. Post #2 and the 2nd plug for your shitty blog... https://investorjunkie.com/4/lending-club-review/ is a much better review of Lending Club. It includes good-to-know information like it is only legal to invest in Lending Club in 28 states. It is interesting, but caveat emptor.
  22. You pay that fee whether you book in DTS or not.
  23. Internet meme.
  24. You are incorrect. Promotion boards are based on your potential for future performance. They are not a reward for past performance.
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