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Everything posted by ThreeHoler

  1. https://www.afcgoc.org/ Holy fuck, there's a CGOC in charge of all the base CGOCs? Mind. Blown.
  2. First look is the year after your O-4 board results, regardless of whether you have pinned on yet or not. You need two years TOS at the time school starts to be eligible without a waiver. So, a PCS may or may not cause problems. Last year, I think only 10% of the eligibles picked up for school were candidates. The rest were selects.
  3. at6, perhaps you should go read the regs yourself: DoD FMR Vol 7, Chap 26. If they lived on base at their old location and are now TDY enroute to their new location, they get BAH for their previous base until they sign in at the new base. Are they committing fraud too?
  4. You have a T code from your time as a UPT instructor, right? Then you have nothing to worry about if you don't have your K code yet for your MWS. I know people who were copilots for their board, and as long as they showed good progression within their primary duties, it didn't matter a bit that they were not an AC or an IP. Consistent MAF O-4 and O-5 board feedback shows the following in order of importance: 1) Appropriate progression in primary job performance (i.e. MWS FP->MP->IP->so on or UPT IP->MWS MP->so on). 2) Appropriate progression in secondary job performance (i.e. no additional duty->mobility->SELO->scheduler/mission controller->chief of x->etc). Strats play in to #1 and #2 on this list. 3) Appropriate PME complete (SOS any method for O-4, ACSC any method for O-5). 4) AAD complete (N/A if you have a DP to O-4, very good to have if you have a P to O-4, pretty much required for O-5).
  5. MLRs do not provide a stratification that goes on your PRF. However, your record will be stratified during the MLR against other P records for the left over DPs. This strat does not go outside the MLR.
  6. "USAF: It's ok if Heat is gay."
  7. Gotta log your beans, you know...
  8. Not yet. Supposedly, it is coming soon. https://ww1.jeppesen.com/main/corporate/aviation/commercial/mobilefd/
  9. I would have said: "Dude, your fuckin' shirt is on backwards!" Problem solved.
  10. Drink a beer or three before posting. Your grades will go up. At least mine do...
  11. Pro tip: Skip the readings, go straight to the DQ, and use the fucking search function of Acrobat or Google to find quotes/paraphrases to support your post. Free advice: talk to your instructor, take the 5 point late hit, and pot anyway.
  12. If I remember correctly, the Navy is opposite to the AF WRT "potential." Where potential in the AF means you're not doing anything, potential in the Navy gets you promoted, and "unlimited potential" is akin to a 1/X strat.
  13. It already is...if you get a DP.
  14. https://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA496974 The NPS thesis is pretty real. And the writing is not much better...
  15. In fine Army tradition, the newest FM on Unified Land Operations is available. Unified Land Operations - Abridged.pdf
  16. The sad thing is they don't even know...
  17. My point was that the air campaign directly resulted in the acceleration of killing in Kosovo.
  18. Yes, let's model it after Kosovo, because that air campaign was so exceptional at stopping the brutality...
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUacUmhI7U4
  20. Why not do the ACSC OLMP Leadership Concentration and get free credit toward three ACSC tests if you are selected for promotion? You can enroll now, be done with the degree by the end of Oct '13. https://www.au.af.mil/au/dlmasters.asp Plus, you don't have to pay anything out of your pocket like ERAU will require.
  21. Actually, the MC-12 IQT can extend the UPT commitment. If it were requal, it is a different story. I would talk to your functional and find out what the feel is. Staff is not the be-all end-all of career progression, especially since you are standing up a new unit. It is all in how your records are spun.
  22. The big problem with this CC call is he tried to be cutesy and use alliteration in his title.
  23. Please tell me you have a larger (sts) copy of this photo!
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