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    The Bar
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    TQM, 36-2903, your mom

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Job announcement is attached - please apply or spread the word! A21-091 Mobility Pilot_Wing Safety Officer_164AW.pdf
  2. News article / video https://m.arkansasonline.com/news/2016/may/06/pilot-crashed-cessna-was-national-guardsman/
  3. Dan's plane crashed in Little Rock last week during his ATP check ride. He is recovering from skin graft surgery at the burn center in Little Rock. The High Rollers are in the process of setting up a fund with a local credit union, one of the spouses started the Gofundme. Please check it out and give what you can. https://www.gofundme.com/Howsure-Danshure
  4. Anyone know the total price for the Bremont Globemaster? Website lists a 750 deposit. PM received. Thx
  5. Praying for good news... https://m.tucsonnewsnow.com/tusconnewsnow/db/348830/content/Waae7UyR
  6. Thanks for all you do! It's always nice to take advantage of a morale call.
  7. Good to see big blue is being preemptive about this looming 11F shortage.....
  8. He will at least deserve a worthy citation - Napoleon Tanerite distinguished himself for exceptionally valorous action in the face of overwhelming self delusion and rambling as the baseops designated footage recorder at the 15-69 class graduation ceremony. In the face of ultimate Queep, and surviving unbearable commentary, Tanerite overcame insurmountable odds - filming 6.9 minutes of wasted breath. His remarkable performance and selfless commitment to his Brothers-in-Arms undoubtedly ensured future generations of Air Force aviators could appreciate and ridicule the epic failure of 'he who's name will not be spoken' for eternity, thus preserving Air Force honor. His performance reflects the highest tradition of Air Force Pilot standards and reflects great credit upon himself, baseops.net, and your mother.
  9. I hope you understand the entire baseops community is banking on your iphone cinematography skills.
  10. Do we have a 15-05 Fogle debrief write up yet?
  11. https://m.ndtv.com/article/world/iran-warns-of-consequences-for-israeli-attack-654561 Israeli air strike in Syrian-controlled Golan Heights schwacks an Iranian General.
  12. So, how bout' that Welsh guy......?
  13. https://m.voanews.com/a/activists-islamic-state-fighters-shoot-down-warplane/2571759.html Hope he gets recovered.
  14. Hagel orders quarantine for returning troops. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/10/29/ebola-military-isolation-troops-joint-chiefs/18108613/
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