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  1. dc58

    Gun Talk

    Thanks guys, I do have a couple 10/22s that are a lot of fun....I'll let you know what route I go
  2. dc58

    Gun Talk

    M2, looking for a update on how the GSG is working out for you? I have the itch to buy but a small budget due to a new baby so I think this would fit my needs for all around fun at a economical price for gun and ammo. Thanks
  3. dc58

    Gun Talk

    Has anyone ever put a 22lr conversion kit on a AR? If so which one did you go with and how did it perform. Just considering this as a option so plinking at the range is a little easier on the wallet and also able to shoot at indoor ranges as its still a little cold up north. It seems that you can basically pay for the conversion with the first 1000 rounds. Thanks advance for any advice. Has anyone ever put a 22lr conversion kit on a AR? If so which one did you go with and how did it perform. Just considering this as a option so plinking at the range is a little easier on the wallet and also able to shoot at indoor ranges as its still a little cold up north. It seems that you can basically pay for the conversion with the first 1000 rounds. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  4. dc58

    Gun Talk

    I'm in your same situation and I think I've come up with the best solution that will work for my wife and I. A local range has a female only class and a female instructor. I am hoping that will make her feel more comfortable seeing other women handling weapons and learning from a woman. It will alleviate me passing any of my bad habits on to her and will hopefully allow her to learn without getting frustrated at me or vice versa which could ruin her willingness to learn. If you do it yourself though start off with a .22 and move up from there. The most important thing is getting her comfortable with handling guns.
  5. dc58

    Gun Talk

    Sounds like a situation that I will just steer clear of.....Thanks for everyone's input. I guess he needs to move out of Cali
  6. dc58

    Gun Talk

    But if he would take it back to Cali at some point then it would be on him for doing so???
  7. dc58

    Gun Talk

    Need some advice on legality of purchasing/selling guns to another person. I just bought a AR and was commenting to a buddy that maybe I should of custome built my own because of all the options if I would of known better. He said he can't get one (from CA) and is just TDY (no state residence) so he wants to pay me what I paid for mine and then I could build my own. Since he is from CA where guns are "evil" could there be anything that comes back on me for selling this to him???? If I sell it to him are the papers still in my name unless we go to a FFL and transfer them or anything?? Thanks for any advice.
  8. dc58

    Gun Talk

    For those who are knowledgeable about ar-15's what are your recommendations for the 800-900 dollar range??? Are the Armalite or Bushmasters any good??
  9. dc58

    Gun Talk

    I'm looking at buying another pistol and just looking for some food for thought. I have no purpose other than it has been awhile since I've got a new toy. I currently have a XD 9mm, 1911, and a S&W 357 revolver. I'm looking at getting something in a 40 or 357sig. One thing is the price of ammo that might help make my decision. I shot the Glock 31 and 32 today and I did like it. I've never owned a Glock but always liked them when I have shot them. I didn't shot, but looked at the Sig 226. It felt "thick" in my hand compared to the Glock or my XD, but it seems like everyone is constantly saying how great of a gun it is. Any insight from anyone?? Thanks
  10. Is it possible to be changed for TDY status to PCS status while being at little rock?? I'm here for phase 1 now and my unit said that when phase 2 and 3 orders are cut (being over 140 days then) that my status will change. I won't go home or anything just have my status changed. Seems like really getting bent over then because I didn't bring all my shit since I was TDY. Anyone knowledgeable with this?? Thanks
  11. How should C-12 time be logged as a student? Is it dual or SIC, and does it matter if you have a Comm Multi? I apologize to those who do not like debating this subject, just trying to make the logbook legit for civilian interviews in the future. Thanks
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