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guineapigfury last won the day on August 30 2024

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  1. The video is comical. It's clearly a person in a bear costume.
  2. The timeline forced the Democrats to go with Kamala. Since she was on the ticket with Biden she still got to access the campaign funds they'd raised prior to his withdrawal. That would not be the case for anyone else and those funds would have to be returned to the donors or given to the DNC if neither her nor Biden were the nominee. The DNC could spend that money, about $100 million, on ads but not on directly running the campaign as that would violate campaign finance laws. If the Democrats had speedrun a second primary or picked literally anyone else at an open convention, that candidate would have to build a campaign apparatus from scratch and start fundraising from a base of $0 all less than 4 months from the election. The Democrats really just did not have any other option than to go with Kamala since she was the only candidate with existing campaign funds and equally important an already existing campaign apparatus in place. You go to the election with the campaign you have if I can paraphrase an F-tier SECDEF.
  3. That'll be the Lofty Large AI.
  4. I'm so happy that Sherrod Brown lost. He was one of crypto's big detractors and that sector got a nice bump last night.
  5. They did. The Gamecocks laid a beatdown on Oklahoma. That one had to feel good with Venables coaching at their nemesis for so many years.
  6. Who knew one of them would be Vanderbilt?
  7. He peaked with that one amazing game against Notre Dame filling in for Trevor Lawrence and has been headed downhill ever since.
  8. True UPT has never been tried.
  9. It's been a while, but going through the KC-135 schoolhouse took about 6 months when I went through.
  10. I'm pretty sure Brown Sugar is about interracial sex in the antebellum South. For reference here's the first verse: Gold Coast slave ship bound for cotton fields Sold in the market down in New Orleans Scarred old slaver know he's doin' alright Hear him whip the women, just around midnight
  11. If we could stop pissing away money on a draft registration system for a draft that will never be reinstated, that'd be great.
  12. I gave them the date. I asked how fast I could separate and they (MPF/FSS) said the fastest possible timeline was one month. I already had TAP & the separation physical complete. Almost all of that month was spent on waiting for AFPC to do AFPC things. Once my separation was approved, I was able to complete about 85% of the virtual out-processing checklist in about 1.5 workdays and that was without hurrying. The rest was stuff that didn't pop up on people's computer's until closer to the deadline.
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