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Everything posted by guineapigfury

  1. I saw Trance the other day. Excellent. I was pleasantly surprised they dodged an NC-17. Don't google image Rosario Dawson and Trance if you're at work.
  2. This is the one upside to the sequester. If your unit isn't flying, this is the right time to get all that nagging shit checked out at the flight doc since being DNIF is moot when there are no more flight hours.
  3. If this is in reference to the waist measurement, I read the AF Crimes article differently. I thought they were implying "This is too hard to fix, so let's just stop doing it." That would be a significant improvement. We've had multiple* articles in the last month that were relatively anti waist measurement. I think either higher ups are floating a trial balloon or hopefully the fix is in. I suspect that this is largely driven by the Grand Forks debacle. *I couldn't find good links for the others. Not without everyone needing a subscription
  4. No way, they always have the best class patches.
  5. Not sure about dramamine, but TUMS and Pepto are legal.
  6. I bet his cellmate disagrees.
  7. That's an awful way to go, at least it was over for the poor guy in a matter of seconds.
  8. This is what I'm hoping for. Looking at the 2013 pay chart, you'd get $37,000 a year for life and never have to go to another job interview. That's more than enough to retire somewhere cheap and tropical in your early 40s if you're single.
  9. I take it Ashley Judd does not pop out of a cake, Erika Eleniak style?
  10. Assuming this was the first fail, they couldn't have sent the Colonel to the remedial PT course with the rest of the chubby/slow airmen? I think watching the Full Bird take his lumps like anyone else would set a better example than resignation. The waist measurement is retarded as is anyone who supports it. If Chief Cody gets it canxed, he will have single handedly justified the existence of his billet.
  11. We rack up plenty of Aerial Achievement medals. Most of the guys aren't happy with where this medal ranks, because it brings down even more derision upon us. They probably should have put this thing between the Purple Heart and DMSM.
  12. It doesn't matter which base you put down on your dreamsheet, they just assign you one randomly. The worker bees at AFPC don't get graded on how well they match up assignments to dreamsheets for first assignments, so they don't even try. Since you can't control this process, don't worry about it. Good luck, memorize the boldface and pattern pages in the IFG and you'll be fine.
  13. It depends. If you're a pilot, you've got what is essentially a 11 or 12 year commitment depending upon how long you sat casual. So if you transfer benefits as soon as you're eligible (6 year mark), the threat of getting stuck because of a 2 year ADSC running concurrently with the remaining 5-6 years of your UPT ADSC is probably low. At this point in a pilot's career (5-6 year mark), you're probably looking at a PCS, which incurs a ... 2 year ADSC. So if you're getting stuck with that anyway at approximately the same time you're first eligible to TEB. There's your case for transferring as early as possible.
  14. You're misreading this, at least if the Lts in my squadron are an accurate indicator. Most of them are ambivalent at best about staying for 20. I think you're seeing guys annoyed that their early FENCE out is delayed.
  15. I don't think that an abundance of flight hours = leadership, but a lack of flight hours = a lack of credibility.
  16. Yes, if only this country had some sort of Earned Income Tax Credit. Having the other benefits scale would make sense too. Also, finding the father(s) of those two kids and making him/them contribute financially wouldn't hurt. So perhaps a subsidy for Maury Povich would net some income to Uncle Sam.
  17. I understand that bands are if not heritage, at least tradition. Tactical Application of TIB Resources should involve sending them into a minefield to clear it by hand.
  18. That's the entry level technique. The discreet gentleman doesn't withdraw from the ATM, he makes purchases with a debit card and gets cash back spread over time so as to not invite unwanted queries from his spouse.
  19. The Bronze Star was introduced as the counterpart to the Air Medal. So we have officially come full circle.
  20. Isn't the real problem here the criteria for the Bronze Star? It's either an award for valor in battle or essentially a PCS medal for deployed personnel. That split causes problems. The DWM should rank below the Bronze Star with V, but above the Bronze Star for being a deployed towel folder.
  21. Base housing assists officers as well.
  22. We're only 1.5 trillion Space MREs away from solving the deficit!
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