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Everything posted by guineapigfury

  1. By recognizing them as shit sandwiches. Right now we lie to ourselves that "every assignment is a good assignment." This is not true. It wouldn't be rocket science to keep track of guys who got an assignment that wasn't even close to anything on their ADP, then let them cut to the front of the line a few VMLs down the road. Morale would be a lot higher in my community if the UAV shit sandwich came with a nice slice of "back to a real airplane" pie afterward.
  2. Not true if you're going OCONUS to CONUS. We get the lovely "transient BAH" which is $1100 per month for a married O-3. Oh how I would have loved to draw insane Japan OHA for a few months while I was TDY enroute.
  3. Perfectly stated.
  4. In the MAF we just call it "Altus".
  5. Yeah, the year of the military family was last year.
  6. I was always worried one of those things would come loose and fly up and hit me, like a giant skyrocketing marshmallow of death.
  7. Honestly, what did these women think was going to happen on the Nancy Grace show? Never talk to the media: good advice for civilians too.
  8. Pretty sure if it was over 7 years ago you don't have to list it on the application. You'd be surprised what you learn from being one of those paranoid bastards who always reads the fine print.
  9. And then said scheduler will simply unblock you out when they need to fill a line. I had this happen three times in a row on my 3rd SOS test all within the space of a month. You guys act like G2 and PEX are the inviolable word of God. Some guys are stuck in shitty squadrons and do what they have to do.
  10. I probably liked it more because I'm an 80s child and actually remember Flash Gordon. And Mila Kunis is worth +2 stars on a 5 star scale.
  11. Yes, it's really fucking funny. On the same level as There's Something About Mary.
  12. Fuck, every bitter disgruntled dude on this board is a volunteer. I can't imagine the morale problems we'd have with a bunch of people who never wanted to be in the military.
  13. I've been on the ludicrous end of this, living off MREs*, RipIts, Cliff Bars and random boxes of Girl Scout Cookies for weeks on end because my schedule didn't line up with when the chow halls were open. *These were provided for the express purpose of not paying us missed meals.
  14. So do gentlemen get charged $5 or $10?
  15. As someone wiser than me once said, "You know it's fucked up when your wistful for Vietnam and you weren't even there."
  16. I also love that the implication is that they will cut pay for the rear area guys as opposed to raising it for the "outside the wire" guys.
  17. The glorious stratotanker doesn't have a bad mix either: Okinawa, England, Tampa, Spokane and Wichita*. *Hey, at least it's not Enid
  18. My wife was initially denied dental clearance to go to Japan. I, as a stupid LT, had her get a bunch of teeth removed on the promise of dental care upon arrival. We got to Japan and and were told dependents are seen "on a space available basis". My wife got no medical attention for 2 years and her situation deteriorated to the point that she needed $50K+ in surgery which by a miracle and the intervention of one hell of a SNCO we were able to obtain. What's the point of this? IF YOU DON'T PASS THE CLEARANCE, DON'T FUCKING GO.
  19. Noob perpsective can be valid. You are the frog dropped into the boiling water, while others have been simmering up slowly and may not have an accurate hack on the true temperature. Sometimes you get so marinated in the stupid that you just stop seeing it.
  20. Wait, you would go on a space vacation with Charlize Theron and not bring your flamethrower? Seriously!!??
  21. Isn't the easy solution to change the name of Undergraduate Pilot Training to Graduate Pilot Training and issue every new pilot a master's degree in Aviation to go with their shiny new wings? No more pilots wasting time and taxpayer dollars on nonsense degrees. Combat effectiveness and pilot promotion rates increased and millions of dollars saved. Boom, problem solved. Somebody call the IDEA program and have them write me a fucking check. I will also accept payment in bourbon, pixie stix, and pictures of tits.
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