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Everything posted by guineapigfury

  1. I think Spencer hits the nail on the head with the DFP being lack of black pilots to start with. I've been in 10 years and I can count the number of black pilots I've flown with on two hands and have a few fingers left over. Why they're not applying for pilot training, I don't know. If this is something Big Blue is interested in addressing, maybe we should stand up a few ROTC dets at HBCUs.
  2. And earlier this year we were non-voling Buff pilots to the MQ-9. This organization is such a clownshow.
  3. This is like a commercial for Bad Idea Jeans. Apply for the normal tourist passport and pay the $60 to get it expedited if you're in a hurry. https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/passports/services/expedited.html
  4. This is negative training. Those wooden dildos should be twice as large, blue, and the condoms should be sandpaper instead of latex.
  5. A little late since I RedBoxed it, but Green Room is amazing. Punk rock band led by Maeby from Arrested Development Alia Shawkat and Chekhov from the new Star Trek movies Anton Yelchin battles skinheads in a NeoNazi Roadhouse run by Captain Picard Patrick Stewart.
  6. Actually, that would be a nice start. Admitting you have a problem is the first step for Alcoholics, it might work for the Air Force also.
  7. I know a guy who got picked up on his 8th look at last years board.
  8. That's appealing in its way, but I plan on being gone by mid-January. I want to get this show on the road, and realistically I probably need to be mostly outprocessed prior to Christmas break.
  9. I was notified via phone, so I haven't seen the paperwork yet. My understanding is that if I accept it (I won't), then my current ADSCs come back into force but there is no additional ADSC for accepting it. I should get a look at the paperwork probably next week, I'll update then.
  10. I was notified today. Not promoted on the second look with a DNP, continuation offered. Fuck my life; I wanted a check on the way out. I have multiple negative indicators and I'm sitting here beer in hand trying to figure out what else I could have done to get fired. Apparently we're really desperate for pilots. At least I get out of my ADSC early.
  11. Guys I found an excellent poem online that might clarify this: Republicans are Red. Democrats are Blue. Neither of them give a fuck about people like You.
  12. With this happening on a large scale, I wonder if it's viral marketing for the "It" remake.
  13. I think that's the closest I've ever seen someone come to death and walk away.
  14. After Sully, Castaway and Apollo 13 I suspect we won't be naming any aircraft after a Tom Hanks movie anytime soon.
  15. Had I known getting stuck in drones was an option, I would not have joined the Air Force.
  16. I would be shocked if Bill Clinton wasn't running around. My understanding is that they live separately.
  17. I'm in the same boat. My understanding is that you get 7 days to make a decision. I'll update this board with what I learn when it happens. MyPers says board results in late September or early October; I'm hoping for the latter.
  18. My favorite part is the guy doesn't even take off his flight cap before he gets skyhooked.
  19. Duty AFSC of 18xxx is correct. If you recat, your core ID becomes 11Uxx.
  20. The only consolation prize this nonvol is looking for is a DD214.
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't officers subject to recall until age 60? I'd estimate that the membership of this forum is greater than 90% commissioned. Sure they'll call back IRR dudes first, but short of achieving eligibility to draw Social Security there aren't many techniques for getting well clear. You could do something that prevented you from getting/keeping a clearance or destroy your health, but for most on these boards the juice probably isn't worth the squeeze.
  22. It depends. Every heavies assignment I ever saw drop came with a base attached. The fighter guys usually saw their aircraft with the base as the FTU location. I'll caveat that I haven't been to an assignment night since late 2008.
  23. I expect you're correct. The last thing we need is another CONUS desert location, so that's probably what we'll get.
  24. The easy fix is Guam and Hawaii. Both US soil and offer sufficient time zone spread to avoid mids. All we'd need to make this work is a couple of buildings and some GCS's. "Deploy" people there for 6-9 weeks a pop and we don't even need to stand up new squadrons. This could get done in 6 months if the Air Force actually wanted to solve the problem.
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