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Everything posted by wegotoeleven

  1. This was taken out of context by an Aussie journalist who asked that question to the panel. After he asked it I had a suspicion he might do just that. I wouldn't hold my breath for GA to develop a usable auto takeoff and land for MQ-9 anytime soon. Gray Eagle has a different CONOPS which is why it works for the Army.
  2. We lost a great dude. I didn't know the other 3 but I'm certain they will be missed a ton as well. Rough news.
  3. I have. But I don't think that risk to self is the only motivator for having pride in your work. Nor do I think RPA self loathing has much to do with not getting shot at, either. If we as an AF can't be proud that this weapons system has had a profound impact on the current enemy then will we ever?
  4. So what's going to happen when more and more weapons systems get fielded that are unmanned and we have this kind of self loathing attitude which is already so prevalent in the community? Are future Air Force pilots going to take the same pride in their duties as they do now? Don't get me wrong flying is great but so is making an impact. I don't think Army Air Corps pilots had this problem when the BSM was created in response to the Air Medal: "The fact that the ground troops, Infantry in particular, lead miserable lives of extreme discomfort and are the ones who must close in personal combat with the enemy, makes the maintenance of their morale of great importance. The award of the Air Medal has had an adverse reaction on the ground troops, particularly the Infantry Riflemen who are now suffering the heaviest losses, air or ground, in the Army, and enduring the greatest hardships." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Star_Medal
  5. You're right. Which drives home my point that CFIT is not a risk unique to combat. Most all the "oh shit" moments of my flying career have been stateside. It's probably more accurate to say that the level of danger for stateside CT missions in manned aircraft is similar to that of the AOR. Maybe the jury's still out on RPA stateside crews (no attacks on US bases and I hope it never comes to pass), but I wonder how many RPA drivers fall asleep at the wheel after driving home from working a night shift. More of a second-order risk to the nature of the job, but a risk nonetheless.
  6. Did anyone here read the entire article, linked by the Time blogger? I don't think writing a paper for Air & Space Power Journal qualifies as "complaining to the media." Bloggers pick this stuff up all the time, it's the 21st century. That aside, I think it's a relevant discussion. I know Dave, he already has air medals and couldn't care less about looking like a Mexican General. Medals are just an example that people can relate to. Anti-U.S. factions use the same rhetoric as some people on this thread when they claim that we're taking a cowardly approach to war by sending in our drones to kill innocent people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, wherever. Is combat defined by the effect or the risk? What bigger risks in Afghanistan are there today than engine failure, CFIT, and thunderstorms? How is that different from flying the flagpole back home?
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