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  1. Edited for those that care.
  2. I found out last year through my SQ/CC. Our squadron was TDY @ archer and my CC had to leave early. One of the best phone calls I've received in a long time.
  3. Graduated in August. IFF in October (2 months), PCS December (pretty much immediately after IFF) started B-course yesterday. Graduate early Sept, Lord willing. My dates all lined up though. Any slip in that chain and I would not have started B course until April.
  4. That's okay, I did better than he did......you know I love you cody The masters thing...don't go for it. Even if you find that you have no problems with the course, the days can be long and are usually not consistent. Family time is where it's at. Also, xbox. Either way, you're going to be spinning up almost immediately after training (depending on which plane you drop) and are going to REALLY have no time, what with preparing to go to war and all. You'll find a lot of time here and there that (so far anyway) I seemed to have lost since leaving Pensacola. Spend this year with your family and enjoy the beaches and nice weather. Seymour is cold as shiat right now and I'm totally jealous.
  5. not referring to training at all...timeframe between the front side and back side...sexual innuendo...never-mind the joke wasn't that great anyhow
  6. Months? Try YEARS...
  7. I believe that there's only two instructors here from the gunship community and one is doing a pretty good job at making himself and (potentially in students eyes) his flying community look like shit. This guy is a complete tool-bag and I think some people are turned off at the "opportunity" of actually being around this guy for most of their career. There's definitely a metric shit-ton of other instructors, from other platforms, that are douches and making a name for themselves amongst the students, but this guy is taking the cake. I say all this because people here have an opportunity to see more than just two guys from the other flying communities and can weed-out the anomalies. The gunship doesn't have that luxury here. Unfortunately, I can see some people seriously being turned off to flying the gunship because of this and the fact that a lot of students here tend to have a very narrow FOV. On a side note, the other guy who's here from gunships is cool as shit, down to earth, and will buy you a beer at the bar on a friday while he makes fun of you to your classmates about your low-level skills--pretty much what I expected from a gunship guy. Rant over On topic though, our top 8-9 people got their first choice and no one had AC-130s at the top. I know a good portion of our class had ***DO NOT SEND ME TO CANNON** written about 50 times on their dream sheet, but I don't think that influenced our top people. Like FlyingBull said, we had a pretty good mix of people and plane preferences to include a guy who wanted AWACS as his top choice and another one that wanted JSTARS as his top choice--both of which were received respectively. I think what influenced people more in our class was the possibility of being an EWO. That scared the shit out of a couple people and I think the community lost out of at least one guy who knows his shit because he ABSOLUTELY did not want to be an EWO.
  8. There's only been one guy from this new course who has completed IFF and one girl who is currently going through it at Columbus. Sample of one, with a second to follow. Not much to gain from that IMHO. Especially considering how much the first and second classes were babysat. I'm in total agreement though that this course is not preparing us for IFF or the FTU. 40hrs total over the course of a year is not near enough flight time to prepare me for what I'm going to be expected to know and do while at IFF. Oh well, it will be a learning experience and flying the T38, and strike eagle for that matter, is going to be sick---hard work be damned!
  9. I'm glad you guys got what you wanted.
  10. You'r welcome Seymour must have been screaming for us to get so many Eagles. 11-08 looked like they shit a brick... It was a great drop. The majority of our class got their #1 and the rest were pretty darn close to the top. No big surprises other than all those eagles.
  11. 11-07 drop this Friday...woot woot
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