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Everything posted by kaputt

  1. Ridiculous comparison. Tobacco restrictions are specifically related to advertising and advertising is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission. Companies can be held liable for knowingly selling an unsafe product. Individual speech on social media is not advertising and does not fall under any government regulatory guidelines. The government in today’s case is involving itself in policing individual speech. That is an overstep and likely violation of the 1st amendment.
  2. I haven’t defended a single Trump election fraud claim on here, but thanks for painting with your broad brush. You can keep repeating over and over that the government being involved in the censorship of speech isn’t a violation of the first amendment, it doesn’t make you correct. Not only is this a giant over reach of government power, the alignment of a corporate entity and the government, followed by that entity executing the will of the government, sure sounds a lot like Fascism.
  3. Clown post brotha. No one is fucking talking about or defending Trump’s legal team anywhere in here. The only one who brought that up is you, and I already addressed how that is in no way related to the situation at hand. And that’s rich, your irony comment. Of course the military is not a “free society”. The irony of that has existed, and jokes have been made about that, for decades now. But there is one thing that the military supports and that is the Constitution. Which apparently is something you appear to wipe your ass with, 1st amendment in particular.
  4. Dude, we are not talking about a legal case or the requirements that a law team is bound to abide by in a court of law. We are talking average and normal people posting on social media that may have the government flagging their speech as not correct. That is a problem. The fact that you don’t see that as a problem is very telling. Like I said, I don’t care if they are spewing BS about COVID, saying the earth is flat, or even hate speech. The fact is, the government has no legal right to play any part in deciding what is allowed to be said and what is not. https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/what-type-of-speech-is-not-protected-by-the-first-amendment-34258 “What Type of Speech Is Not Protected by the First Amendment?” Saying you got 5G from a Covid vax, no matter how wrong that is, is not in there.
  5. I don’t even know what to say man. Presumably you’re a US Citizen and a military officer, and you are okay with the government of this country having a role in censorship. That’s shocking. I don’t care if they are flagging the most asinine and uneducated COVID conspiracy posts ever, the government has no business deciding what can or cannot be said.
  6. Did you miss the part where the Government is working with private companies to silence voices? Or is government censorship something you’re cool with?
  7. White House admits to flagging and then working with big tech to eliminate so called “disinformation”. This should be terrifying to everyone.
  8. Don’t bring those lies in here. Hadn’t you heard? Racism is purely an American creation and it’s solely perpetuated by white people. Edit: 69th page of this thread.
  9. I agree with most of this, including the very deep rooted issues in the GOP. However, this country is in desperate need of real leadership. Trump is no leader. As you highlighted, he is a fabulous disruptor, but I don't think he is ultimately what this country needs to actually turn the ship around. There has to be a conservative voice out there that can highlight all the BS that Trump called out, but also find a way to bring the American people together (or at least most of them) and then articulate a vision and future for the country. The tweets, brash personality, etc... can be entertaining, especially the times when he was right. But in the end it is tiring, grading, and at the very least, not professional. I voted for Trump twice as well, somewhat begrudgingly the second time, although he ultimately was the best candidate that was on the ballot. But, I will be voting in a primary for the first time in my life this next cycle in order to vote against him (if he runs). His personality is not what this country needs or what will actually set this country back on the right path again. I know we can do better than that as a country, and I would hope Republicans can do better than that as a party. Maybe someone like DeSantis, Crenshaw, Noem, or Haley can be the leader this country needs; time will tell.
  10. Your elitism is palpable dude. Sorry not sorry I called a spade a spade.
  11. The entire paragraph I quoted sounds like a college sophomore talking to his friends in the dining hall that just discovered Marx’s theories on exploitation.
  12. The religious right is the albatross around the neck of the conservative movement in this country. Unfortunately it wields considerable power; Trump had to pretend he was praying at almost every event and he even had to reference God, the bible, etc... in his speeches and I think we all know that man is not religious in any way, shape, or form. Mixing of religion and politics is never a good combo. The Republicans in this country that continually cave to the religious right and choose social issues as their hill to die on are only hurting the party in the long run and it gives infinite and easy fodder to the left.
  13. New LODA issue not with standing, I'm surprised you haven't made the jump to experimental. Is it the limited amount of 4 seaters that keeps you in the certified world?
  14. Holy smokes dude, if anyone is chugging down propaganda from media shills, its you. Antifa has gone more quiet because a leftist administration that has worked to advance many of the things they demanded is now the regime in power. The notion that they are just hippies that don't like neo-nazis is f*cking laughable and makes me wonder if you aren't just trolling. Or maybe you really believed that the shit that went down over the summer of 2020 was just a "summer of love". Hunter's laptop story was effectively silenced by big tech. And the whole Hunter Biden story only continues to get richer (just like Hunter Biden) as anonymous buyers pay massive sums for his garbage art, sums that not even established artists could pull down for their works. Wonder where that money is coming from? BLM as an organization that simply wants black lives to matter as much as white ones is a flat out lie and a quick scroll through their own website will tell you as much. It has literally been defined, linked to, etc.. multiple times in this very thread.
  15. For the experimental guys: https://www.eaa.org/eaa/news-and-publications/eaa-news-and-aviation-news/news/07-08-2021-faa-releases-policy-on-training-in-experimental-primary-and-limited-category-aircraft?fbclid=IwAR19Mrep5-YC8HQpxReizXZMr4WhFybp7-ugh6MrGY_37cNhhmpqEqsb84c BLUF: The FAA, in going after a specific Warbird operator that was giving rides in a warbird and calling it instruction, creates and then doubles down on a rule that essentially outlaws getting instruction in any experimental, even if you are the private owner and are the one receiving instruction. The only recourse is for every single experimental owner to apply for a Letter of Deviation Authority (LODA). Absolutely terrible ruling from the FAA. Big government gonna big government. Under the new ruling you can’t even get a Flight Review in your own RV-8 without a LODA, let alone get transition training or even your PPL if you’re someone who decides to buy an Experimental and train in it.
  16. But at least you saved 16¢ on your 4th of July Cookout!!!!! 🇺🇸 #propaganda
  17. In addition to what’s in that article, people waiting asylum/immigration hearings are no longer waiting on the other side of the border, as was the previous admins policy. They are now instead released into the country with a piece of paper for a “notice to appear”, but that piece of paper doesn’t even have a court date on it. It’s essentially a free ticket into this country now. There are reports from the border of groups willingly turning themselves in to CBP because they know they will just get their paper and be on their way. We essentially no longer have a southern border.
  18. Pretty unreal what is happening in this country these days. Also saw on the local news here in SoCal the other day that a boat of people trying enter the country illegally had Chinese nationals on it. Who the hell knows what’s coming through our border now as a consequence of this administration’s sick plan to import demographic change in order to win elections and solidify power.
  19. Second calling the TFSC. The myPers “ask a question” feature is also pretty responsive.
  20. So what patch got banned in UPT land?
  21. I’d love to know the rates of COVID vax vs Flu vax in elderly. I haven’t been able to find that data. I’m not saying the VAERS deaths shouldn’t be looked at. It would be nice to get some actual research on the numbers. But citing them as “vaccine reaction deaths” is spreading false information because that data does not track that.
  22. VAERS data is NOT people dying from vaccine reactions. It’s people dying of any cause after getting a vaccine. To my unscientific brain it seems highly likely that a vaccine that was emphasized in an elderly and immune compromised population would have a high probability of some of those people dying of any cause after getting a vaccine. I’m not accusing anyone on here of this, but one thing I have found hilarious is the people who cast doubt on COVID death numbers (a doubt I agree with btw), all of a sudden cite VAERS data like it’s gospel truth, despite it having much of the vagueness as COVID death numbers.
  23. The thing is though, a lot of the “slight left leaners” these days have fallen in line with some absolute bat shit leftist stuff. Look at what figures in politics, sports, media, business, and even some in the military, say and support publicly today that not all that long ago would have been thought insane. I don’t really think it’s a conspiracy theory when it’s right out there in the open for people to see. The million dollar question is why are these people doing this? I tend to agree that many of them are not secret marxists, which to me is even scarier. That means they have at some point recently taken the bait that these ideas aren’t so bad after all. It means that the soft words of equity, inclusion, etc… and the fear of being cancelled is probably working.
  24. Scary stuff when you really read between the lines. I continue to stand by the fact that the real extremism threat to this country is far left extremism packaged behind nice words like diversity, inclusion, and my absolute favorite: EQUITY. Anyone who believes in a free society should get shivers down their spine when they hear politicians, the military, private companies, etc... using the word equity.
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