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Everything posted by kaputt

  1. https://notthebee.com/article/behold-the-woke-insanity-that-is-a-san-francisco-public-school-board-meeting I have no idea why anyone would want to live in San Francisco.
  2. There are systemic issues holding the black community back. However most of them are driven by the same party that says “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.” Look at the dominant political party in each city that had massive unrest this summer. Democrat policy has by and large owned the black vote by developing social programs that keep the black community dependent on government assistance. Most of this “assistance” is then paired to the narrative of the hopeless black man still being held down by the American legacy of slavery. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy that has engrained itself into black culture and is self defeating. And the “solutions” coming forward on this are just more of the same. ViperMan mentioned the death spiral of these communities. Corey Booker wants to implement “baby bonds” where every child born in America gets a $1,000 savings account with money added to it each year until they turn 18, with the the poorest families getting the most money deposited (up to $2,000 I believe). Anyone with a brain sees that a policy like this merely encourages further poverty and govt dependence. Why would you work to improve your standing in life if your kids can get nearly $40,000 handed to them by remaining in poverty. The proposal for this program also specifically mentions aiding those in minority communities, so it’s no doubt who this vote getting scheme is meant to target. The death spiral continues... Republicans do share the blame in that none of them have the stones to actually address this issue, probably for fear of being called racist, so instead they sit silently on the sidelines and try and pretend the problem doesn’t exist. All that being said, this whole narrative of a racist fabric within America that holds minorities and blacks back or a racist army of cops executing black men in the street is such a freaking cop out. It’s a convenient distraction for a political party that shares a large part of the blame for the plight of African Americans in this country yet counts on their vote every 2 and 4 years. Unfortunately it’s seemed to work. There are real solutions to this but they take actual hard work and will also likely take decades to see results. If we want to see something succeed it will take people that recognize that the very real problem of decades of mistreatment and discrimination of blacks was not helped by a policy of government dependence that has actually pushed the community into further despair.
  3. This is a first, but I 100% agree with Rashida Tlaib. Edit: FWIW, I also disagree that Reddit users should be labeled as “manipulators”. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t they notice that there were more shares being borrowed than what actually existed? So in my opinion the hedge fund managers were already manipulating the market with the shorting.
  4. I actually came here to post about this. As a former college athlete and someone who hopes to have kids that will participate in sports, this absolutely pisses me off to no end. “The party of science and women’s rights” conveniently ignores biological differences between men and women and then signs an EO allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports. What kind of message does that send to young women athletes in this country!? Connecticut has actually already shown what a complete cluster this is. 15 girls state track titles have been won by biological boys. A large portion of the girls state records are owned by individuals with a penis. That’s up to a potential of 15 young women that have had their state championship dreams taken away from them by a man. “Guess what girls, yeah we fought for decades to even give you the chance to compete in athletics, but now we’re going to wipe our ass with the whole Title IX thing and let guys who feel like girls come beat you.” Does anyone with half a brain in the Democrat party think through this garbage before they move forward with it? Does anyone remember how angry the world got when the East Germans were sending roided out women who were basically men to the Olympics, because guess what, it was completely unfair to real female athletes. Transgender athletes need to either compete within their biological gender (“follow the science”) or you need to create a transgender division for them to compete in.
  5. I liked most of Biden’s speech. Only dislike was it seems like the democrats are already setting up the white supremacist/domestic terror line as their distraction crutch if some of their other policy moves don’t play out as successfully as they hope. Otherwise, I think he genuinely wishes to lower the temperature and try and make the country more united. That being said, I am highly skeptical that others in his party wish the same and I’m also skeptical of his ability to manage those same people. There are a few republicans that worry me as well who will likely not play ball simply because the other team is in power. The next two years are going to be really interesting. Probably the most challenging period we’ve had for a new President in a long while. I truly wish him the best and hope he succeeds, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about where the country may head.
  6. On a slightly related note, did anything ever come of the RFI for entirely contractor run UPT? Did COVID kill that idea for the time being?
  7. Don’t be this clown 🤡. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/democratic-rep-cicilline-caught-removing-mask-to-sneeze-on-house-floor/ar-BB1cJsUz “Democratic Rep. Cicilline caught removing mask to sneeze on House floor”
  8. Ridiculous what passes for journalism these days.
  9. Ive seen all of this garbage as well. The sad thing is, a lot of the people I’m seeing this crap from are generally people that at face value I would not consider to be extremists or non-rational individuals. Many of them I was good friends or co-workers with back in the day. It’s becoming very clear that the crazy is leaking down into much more normal levels of society these days, on both sides.
  10. I think you're misunderstanding the point I was trying to make. I don't claim to be a great writer so maybe some of that is on me. However, I am not trying to yell and scream "BUT BUT the libs did this and that!" I'm simply pointing out the fact that neither side has done anything for the last 4 years (and probably longer) to actually try and unite the country or cool down the tensions that are spilling over. Instead of taking the higher road and trying to be the party of leadership and unity, the democrats have often stooped to Trump's ridiculous levels and embraced divisive policies that do nothing more than continue to split the divide of this country right down the middle and feed the beast that is Trump and his cult. On the flip side tons of republicans spent years stonewalling everything Obama did simply because he was Dem, which basically created the wave of feelings that led to Trump. They then sold out their credibility to embrace Trumpism and now are left with that albatross hanging around their neck with no clear path on how to move the party forward and and actually become a party that can lead and unite Americans. I continually point out that I voted for Trump not to make a claim that I am a Trumper, or that I believe every single thing he did was good. I simply point that out to show that there are those of us out there who voted for him because the alternative options we were presented did not seem like better choices. That's a problem with our political system that we are so polarizingly (is that a word?) limited in our choices for elected officials. I'm not going to go point by point and argue each thing you listed out above because I think that takes away from the real point I was trying to make (again I'll take a hit for that due to my lack of written skill). What's really the issue is that everyone in our political system has played a big part in creating where we are now. I think arguing over the minutia of who is more at fault is just unconsciously retreating back into our own biases, of which I will admit I am occasionally guilty myself. I already stated above that yesterdays disgusting display falls on the shoulders of Trump and I also stated my disgust for his behavior since the election ended (not to mention the many things during his term I disagreed with). It's absolutely time for him to fade into the distance and have his legacy forever tarnished by the events of yesterday. But I cannot in good conscious sit here and look at what has transpired in our country recently and think that one person or one party is solely responsible for the mess we are in. TLDR; our political system and the soul of our country is broken and the blame for that can be laid heavily on everyone in Washington. This country needs a unifying center force that can mend many of these wounds. To Biden's credit he has said he plans to try and be that force. Can he do that and will other members of his party and the republican party play along? I'm not so sure. I am willing to give him the chance though. Edited for typos
  11. One thing I agree with on here is I have absolutely no idea where the Republican Party goes after this. In the immediate days after the election I was hopeful that the party would find a way to capture some of the good Trump had done and some of the people he had converted from being traditional democrats to voting Republican, but also find a real leader who could distance him or herself from the many toxic traits Trump possesses and find a way to bring back unity, a clear message, and also some real fiscal conservatism. But Trump’s actions since the election have absolutely sunk that imo. My own father, by all rights a well educated, military veteran, executive at a mid-sized American made company, never a conspiracy theorist, etc... believes whole heartedly now that the election was a complete sham, that his vote is meaningless, and at least now claims that he will never vote in another election. Will he actually follow through with that in the future? Im not so sure, mostly due to the above listed qualities, but if someone like him is buying the Trump BS train right now, it’s an almost certainty there are tens of millions who will actually believe that our election system is rigged for the remainder of their lives. In fact I’d be willing to bet a large sum of money that the results of the GA special election are likely due to the fact that a significant percentage of Trumpers refused to show up at the polls.
  12. I think the vile hatred of Trump from the beginning, the baseless Russia accusations, the impeachment, the Kavanaugh hearings, the race baiting wokeness, the riots that were met with silence or tacit approval, the embracing of socialism, and any of the other ridiculous crap the left has spewed over the last 4 years are at least party to blame for the disgusting actions we saw yesterday by a cult devoted to one man. Those actions the last 4 years have built a huge pressure cooker. Every force has an equal and opposite reaction. So while the left perhaps doesn’t have their one event that was the catalyst, it can’t be a shock to anyone that their unrelenting mission to remove Trump from office finally had a tipping point yesterday with some redneck trash right wing extremists. That being said I will not excuse Trump for his behavior since the election. I’ve said this several times, but I voted for him twice but I have not remotely been happy with him since the election, I have not bought into the vote fraud claims, and I strongly believe that the lion share of the blame for yesterday lands squarely on his shoulders. But I think we’re kidding ourselves if we don’t at least look at the environment of the last 4 years and at least realize that the left is also very guilty of turning up the heat on the kettle that is now boiling over.
  13. I’m not saying I believe the conspiracy, I’m just saying it’s not going to go away and there are going to be certain individuals that play strongly on the fact I listed above.
  14. The fact that data is showing voter turnout in typically blue areas of the state may have been higher than even the Presidential election just two months ago is not going to help ease those theories either.
  15. It is troubling how close some of these clowns walk to 1984 level ideas.
  16. Just got to make sure you adhere to crosswind limits 🙃
  17. ‘Amen & Awoman:’ Rep. Emanuel Cleaver Says in Opening Prayer for Congress The “Guam is going to tip over” guy is probably breathing a sigh of relief that this has now taken the top spot for dumbest shit ever said by a Congressional representative.
  18. The sad thing is, I’m 100% certain they really did take a year to come up with that.
  19. Don’t know about anyone else, but the COVID vaccine now shows up on myIMR as one of the required vaccines. Has a small asterisks that says “not yet available at your MTF”.
  20. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9055391/San-Francisco-rename-Lincoln-High-School-didnt-black-lives-mattered-him.html Lincoln is now not good enough for the woke crowd.
  21. This exactly. I voted for Trump twice and still think he was the best candidate in both elections. However, I haven’t seen anything that shows me there was actually widespread voter fraud. I do think there are some weak points in our system that need to be shored up, including a consistent system for mail in voting and a good way to track absentee ballots. I know of a case of someone voting absentee in a state they no longer lived in because they were lazy and hadn’t changed their ID or voter registration. Were things like that enough to sway the election? I don’t think so and haven’t seen any real evidence of it that convinces me. But, I do think we should always be striving to clean up even minor election discrepancies to ensure that all citizens can have faith in the process. Beyond that though, it’s not hard for me, even as a Trump voter, to see him losing. I personally know three women who voted for Trump in ‘16 and Biden in ‘20, based almost completely off his personality. It’s not hard to imagine there were millions more just like them. Trump’s greatest weakness was always his inability to STFU. I liked many of the things he did but frequently found myself cringing as he would immediately put his foot in his mouth seconds after a solid achievement. It’s time to turn the page and let the democrats lay in the bed they made themselves. Biden-Harris is still, imo, one of the worst pairings we’ve ever put into the White House. A half assed offering of a moderate who is likely losing his mental capacity and an unpopular leftist that comes from the most poorly run state in our country. If Trump would just exit the stage for a bit we might actually get the chance to see what a terrible offering this next presidency is going to be.
  22. (Speaking on the bolded part) I mean to be fair, that describes the Democrats as well. The Kavanaugh hearing was one of the most egregious examples of this, but some other fine examples are 4 years of BS Russian collusion and Poland impeachment. The shit volcano is honestly flowing down both sides of the mountain but I still see far more hypocrisy coming from the left. To segway a little bit here; I do not believe that there was actually widespread election fraud.I think Biden won and this election was a referendum on Trump. But I find it hilarious that high level democrat politicians as well as normal people I see on social media are now desperately clamoring for unity and saying that those going along with Trump’s election fraud claims are tearing this country apart. All coming from the same people that spent 4 years throwing temper tantrums and essentially trying to overthrow a sitting president all because of some strange orange man bad obsession. It’s the same level of hypocrisy that leads to people saying “no large gatherings due to covid!”, but then all of a sudden massive BLM protests and Biden election celebrations are okay. FWIW I’m actually glad that Trump lost because it removes his polarizing personality from the picture and now the democrats have to stand on their own with a garbage policy and a fractured party that can’t decide if it wants to go back to the mid 90s USA or to mid 60s Cuba. Edit: I realize that was a bit rambling and maybe had nothing to do with the current flow of conversation so my apologies.
  23. I just watched that video and that's not really what he is saying. Trust me, I would love to jump at the chance to trash Cuomo and his complete idiocy, but he's talking about Trump's vaccine roll out plan and not that the vaccine itself is bad news and that they are going to try and stop the vaccine. This definitely falls under a sensationalist and slightly fake news tweet. Even at the end he discusses working with other governors to find ways they can tweak Trump's roll out plan and not stop the vaccine from getting to their populations. Of course the TDS still runs deep in Cuomo so maybe that's where him and the other governors will end up if they can't work to tweak Trump's plan, but that was not what I got from the video right now.
  24. Bro, I literally pulled it from going to her page and scrolling down myself and finding it. Not rocket science.
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