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Everything posted by kaputt

  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/AOC/status/1324807776510595078 What incentive would I have to make that up?
  2. “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? ”
  3. Biden and the Dems will make a big mistake if they try and interpret this as a mandate on the nation’s decision to go along with far left initiatives. This election was purely a mandate on Trump. The squad already calling for the most progressive agenda in US History.
  4. As someone who voted for Trump, I am honestly having a hard time believing the voter fraud claims for this election. The primary reason for that is there was no "Blue Wave" in the other elections. The country essentially held the line on where they were with the Senate, and the R's even gained ground in the House. If there was some massive scheme to use voter fraud to help the Dems, I think we would have seen it play out in other races as well. Ultimately I think this came down to being a referendum on Trump himself. I personally know several people, both friends and family, who voted for Trump in 2016 but did not this time around. Their choice was based almost entirely on Trump's personality and the way he carries himself. I think those are the people who swayed this election the other way this time. In all honesty, Biden and Harris have a massive challenge in front of them (if they do ultimately win). The nation I think has proven, as Shapiro and Tucker have both said as well, that they are not buying the BLM, Antifa, AOC, super leftist agenda. Perhaps a slight majority was over the Trump experiment, but Biden and Harris are now in a tough spot because I think they, and the rest of the Dems, thought they would gain full control and have unstoppable power to push through a massively left leaning agenda. That is no longer the case. In my opinion, many on the far left in Washington will want Biden out quickly due to "health concerns", but that is not such an easy road to walk anymore without full majority. Making that swap before the mid-terms could prove even more fatal. As another poster mentioned earlier, Trump has probably served his purpose. If nothing else, he proved how deeply corrupt the media and most of Washington is and he showed how to impassion a base of supporters. I can't remember the last time I saw people that excited about a candidate not named Obama. The conservatives in this country now have a big opportunity in front of them to reshape what the party looks like. However, they need to ensure that future includes the base that Trump built. One incredible thing that I think Trump did is he made the Republican party become the party of the working class. Blue collar workers that would often lean towards the pro-union Democrats have switched sides. The conservatives in this country cannot throw that away. There needs to be less Mitt Romney's as the face of the party and more Dan Crenshaw's. I've had a few beers this evening so hopefully that all made sense. I guess everything I wrote might also be moot if somehow Trump still manages to win.
  5. That’s exactly why they picked him. His outward appearance is of a moderate. His mental decline however can’t be denied and I highly doubt that major portions of the Democrat party didn’t see that as an opportunity. His health will either deteriorate to the point that he ends up resigning or the radical portions of the left will pull the strings and use teleprompter reading Joe as the mouthpiece. Admittedly, the R’s making gains in the house and holding the line in the Senate makes it much harder on the dems to implement their plans.
  6. I don’t think he once said Trump is a better person than Biden or even compared him to Trump at all. In fact, he explicitly said people are making their voting decision based on personality and not policy record, and that’s the problem. Edit: and even if by some measure Trump is a bad person, it still doesn’t mean that Biden isn’t also a terrible person
  7. The other Jo may end up being Joe’s saving grace in a few of these states.
  8. That’s fair, although I’m not sure if he’ll be ready for a presidential run next cycle.
  9. Always tough to predict the future. The article mentions some of the differences between then and now, but a huge one is how far left some mainstream portions of the democrat party already are. There is a risk of a lot of damage being done in only 4 years of a Harris administration with Joe Biden as President. Beyond that, is there even a Reagan waiting in the wings? He challenged Ford in the primary and was already establishing himself as a true conservative and leader. I don’t see anyone right now in the Republican Party that could be that person. Another item from that article that I personally think conservatives make a mistake on is having the pro-life/pro-choice debate be a cornerstone of their policy. Most younger conservatives I know are actually pro-choice, and I think many conservative leaning women sometimes get turned off by the heavy pro-life factions of the Republican Party. It will be interesting to see what happens today, or maybe in the next few days and weeks?
  10. Local governments are super complicit in this as well, as you alluded to. In California taxpayer money goes to a program that allows homeless drug users to exchange dirty needles for clean ones. Just exacerbating the problems perpetually.
  11. Beat me to it, but exactly. How easily people forget this.
  12. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB123353276749137485 Literally the top google search that took 2 seconds to look up. ^ beat me
  13. The Germans also have had the benefit of a large portion of their national defense being provided directly by the United States and paid out of our taxpayers pockets. Spending little on defense and still living in a relatively secure environment probably frees up a lot of money to try and build a semi socialist paradise.
  14. We all know it’s never had anything to do with Black Lives Matter since the beginning. The portion about the guy trying to reason with the mob by saying how many democrats live on the street is telling...
  15. All of the Russia collusion accusations have been proven multiple times to be completely false. Hunter Biden has more Russian ties than anyone from the Republican Party. The Republican party absolutely has a terrible environmental policy these days, especially for those that embrace a Teddy Roosevelt style of conservationism. However, the Democrats provide zero legitimate alternative. The entire Dem environmental "policy" is based on climate alarmism and the Green New Deal, which is wealth distribution and socialism disguised as an environmentally friendly policy. Spend some time in California and you'll realize that Democrat policy has no actual environmental concern. Pot meet kettle. Where is the link to the speech of Bill Clinton talking about the utmost importance of border security? Current Republicans are fiscally terrible, that is true for sure. But both parties are completely controlled by the ultra rich. Look who the major donors and influencers of the Democratic party are. Subtly encouraging violence in this country and playing racial politics vs actually pushing a legitimate agenda isn't off the rails? None of this was a defense of the Republican party btw. But acting as if the Democrats somehow hold some sort of moral high ground is laughable. Honestly both parties are beyond broken.
  16. Exactly this. And while there would have been complaining from those on the right, I doubt you would have seen the threats that are currently coming from the left. People literally threatening violence over a Supreme Court nomination. And to be honest, based on how this year has gone, if Trump does get a nomination through, I fully except there to be actual riots and violence in the streets from the left...again.
  17. Couldn't agree more. Also a big sports guy myself, played in college even. Huge Nats fan as well, celebrated their WS win last year "bigly". This year, I haven't re-upped my MLB.tv subscription and didn't even remotely care to tune into their game against the Yankees. For one, its been nice having weekends and evenings completely free to do as a I please and not plan around watching a game. Two, so sick of the social justice crap that we've been hounded on for years now with sports. This didn't just start now, its been going on for awhile. Beyond that, a lot of pro sports these days is a garbage product anyway. NBA and NFL most notably. I never really got into the NBA and I gave up on the NFL years ago, long begore Kapernick or anything like that. About the only sport I see myself regularly watching for the foreseeable future is IndyCar and Sports Car racing. Both of those have managed to avoid massive SJW assaults, likely due to their fringe nature. Although with the Indy 500 coming up in August I'm afraid that might change.
  18. Yeah they have some interesting aircraft, including more prototypes. One I hadn’t seen before but they were towing around once was a YF-17, which I believe lost out to the F-16 but with some tweaks ended up becoming the F-18? I probably should donate to them. I walk by their hangars every now and then and get the feeling they struggle with funding.
  19. Statue of Ulysses S. Grant torn down in San Francisco. The man who won the Civil War for the Union, freed the only slave he ever owned, and was eulogized by Frederick Douglas. Our education system is a failure. Also San Francisco is not America.
  20. Maybe it’s my O-3 bubble, but most people I work with where they make their political views not so subtle are actually liberals.
  21. I would be laughing at this shit if they weren’t so serious about it.
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