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Everything posted by kaputt

  1. This is my problem with his statements. Agree or disagree with the message all you want, but now all of a sudden it’s permissible to take a social and political issue stands in uniform? I haven’t been in the military all that long but I was always cautioned as a military member about posting my opinion on sensitive matters and especially warned not to do it when tied in any way to the uniform.
  2. Do the CMSgt of the AF comment's make anyone else feel uneasy? It's not the content of the message that worries me, although there are some points I disagree with, but its a military member openly commenting on what in many respects is a political issue and using the uniform as a vector for that message.
  3. What is happening now in major cities across this country has nothing to do with racism or George Floyd anymore. Anarchy and a hatred of certain aspects of America would be more accurate now. Token caveat that I hate that I have to do: the cop who kneeled on George Floyd deserved to be arrested and charged with murder. That was wrong on all levels. But that cause has been destroyed now.
  4. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/05/21/how_fear_groupthink_drove_unnecessary_global_lockdowns_143253.html Pretty good article about fear and groupthink during this.
  5. Oshkosh airshow cancelled. Sucks. Was going to be flying in for the first time this year.
  6. This is from my own social media and is written by a friend’s girlfriend who is a nurse. She wants all protesters to not only be arrested for protesting but also be prohibited from receiving medical care. Yikes was my only reaction. Pretty scary thoughts running through the heads of normal citizens in this country right now.
  7. Where in general is the break point on renting vs owning, interns of hours flown per year? I know there is some wiggle room there depending on how much you value the flexibility of going when and where you want and what airplane you fly. But is there a rough hours per year where you should keep renting vs deciding to own?
  8. So if you live on base and go for a solo run you have to wear a t-shirt or bandanna around your face? Thankfully I don’t live on base.
  9. Did I read that right? They made cadets stay by themselves in single rooms?
  10. Even Texas, a state that allegedly prides itself on upholding civil liberties, has said they intend to make surprise visits to people who are known to have traveled from New York, just to make sure they are adhering to the rules. “Unannounced visits” https://www.dps.texas.gov/director_staff/media_and_communications/pr/2020/0327a To me, some of the erosion of civil liberties during this crisis is alarming. We’re teetering on the edge of going past smart compromise to flatten the curve, to just straight fear.
  11. Let’s see, a private industry tycoon who hasn’t spent a day doing anything involving warfare and the three star head of the Space and Missile Systems Center in LA/career acquisitions officer, talking about how the age of the fighter jet is over. Yep, definitely some Subject Matter Experts right there...
  12. Don’t forget the 56 that died in the stampede at the late General’s funeral.
  13. Still have my wings and T-38 trained. Didn’t make it through B-1 training, and my issue was in academics and not flying related. Not sure if that’s better or worse? Was recommend to go to a non-weaponized crew aircraft by the FEB and Convening authority, but that was overturned by 4 star. My official record says “Permanent Disqualification from Aviation Service”. Back shortly after I got them memo from the 4 star I spoke with a friend who is in a guard RPA unit and he said even they couldn’t take me with that on my record. Since that I haven’t looked further into Guard options because I figured ones with actual aircraft would give the same answer. I’ve continued flying on my own and currently working on my CFI. Got some good encouragement from civilian aviation companies that the FEB would not hinder me much. Also recently found out I may have options with the Army, Coast Guard, and NOAA Corps. Just don’t know what to do about my UPT ADSC.
  14. Okay, so I had a FEB as a B Course student coming up on about two and a half years ago now. Unfortunately I am one of the "lucky" ones who was recommended to be re-trained into a new airframe by both the FEB and Convening Authority, only to have it overturned by the 4 star... That whole process took pretty much a whole year, and I PCS'd to my new non-rated assignment in February 2018. I've put a lot of introspection into my current situation, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm ready to explore moving on with my life and from the Air Force, or at least the active duty Air Force. Options I am considering are everything from straight separation, separate to the Reserves (IMA), or even an Inter-Service transfer. BUT, a hang-up I'm running into is my UPT ADSC. It's still on the books and won't run out until June 2026. I've reached out to AFPC help desk on this issues and they have been pretty unhelpful. The answers I have gotten have ranged from "the Air Force has you until that ADSC runs out because you completed the training" to "all you have to do is apply to separate and they'll review on a case by case". From my own research it seems that I can apply to separate under Miscellaneous reasons, but I don't know if I need to lead turn that with anything else if I have ADSC remaining? I'd like to think since it was the Air Force's decision to remove me from flying status (I fought like hell to stay on), that they would not also force me to stay in for 7 more years, in a career I never planned to be in. But who knows? And beyond that I have zero clue where to begin with requesting an IST with ADSC remaining. Apologize for the long post, but has anyone dealt with a situation like this before or known someone who has? I know its a pretty narrow set of circumstances, but there is a lot of experience on here so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. Appreciate it!
  15. Your best bet for info is going to the AirplinePilotForums.com thread. Several current and former CBP pilots posting in there currently. https://www.airlinepilotforums.com/military/108466-cbp-air-interdiction-agent-pilot-21.html#post2811664
  16. I’m sure the reasoning in some test group was “we don’t want to look like the army”.
  17. Now lets get rid of the invisible spice brown rank as well.
  18. Anyone know about what the current cost of just UPT is? Didn't see it broken down by that in the article. Asking for a friend.
  19. https://www.airlinepilotforums.com/military/115780-centerline-thrust-restriction-changes.html Last post has some details.
  20. I found it interesting last night the amount of low hanging fruit/genuine positives, that the left did not stand or applaud for. Lowest minority unemployment rate ever, record number of women in Congress, firing incompetent VA employees, etc... Not sure why those all can’t be applauded?
  21. Reducing illegal immigration by 33% would be a pretty massive improvement.
  22. If I stop wearing my rape shoes, will Gillette stop charging me $40 for a replacement pack of razors?
  23. The worst part about this is not that some snowflakes got all offended, but that the Air Force caved to them and took it down. And then put up a weak apology post...
  24. The brown rank is also impossible to see because it camouflages perfectly with the OCP. Which leads to a lot of awkward do I salute or not moments. Good thing we differentiated that one tiny thing from the Army.
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