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Everything posted by kaputt

  1. Does anyone know if the 118th AS of the CT ANG Guard is still slated to change to MC-12s? The recent Guard Structure Changes stated that the C-27 squadron would not open, however a recent UPT Board posting by that unit in the Aviation Jobs section claims the opening is for a C-27. I'm thinking of applying to this unit, and just trying to figure out exactly what the future is looking like in terms of the aircraft they will be operating.
  2. So I'm just looking for some clarification on something real quick: the difference between a Flying Class I phyiscal and a Flying Class II phyical. From what I am able to gather the Flying Class I is for clearance to enter UPT, and the Flying Class II is what you get after you become a winged aviator. Is this correct? Thanks in advance for helping out this OTS applicant.
  3. Ok I have a few questions here so bare with me. First, I went through the AF waiver guide and confirmed what I thought might be the case: that I will need a vision waiver for refractive error. Which is unfortunate, but what I thought would be the case after I was told I was 20/100 by my eye doctor and saw the new prescription note she handed me. I'm planning on going the OTS route, and since I know that I will need a vision waiver, do I need to tell the recruiter that? Or do I just go through the whole process (assuming I get picked up for a pilot slot) knowing that I will eventually fail the vision test and have to get the waiver at that point? From what I'm gathering from this thread, this waiver is not one that you need to get before submitting an OTS application, correct?
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