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Biff_T last won the day on February 9

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Orange County, CA
  • Interests
    USAF: 1998-2018
    2A753, Q1A071, Q11H3C

    ATP: ERJ-170, ERJ-190

    A few other fixed wing and helos.

    A Space Shuttle to Uranus.

    Does Space A still Exist?

    Trollin' for skank in HB

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. BREATHTAKING AS KC-135 STRATOTANKER FLIES LOW IN THE MACH LOOP - 4K Source: YouTube https://search.app/d7dJ A few 135s getting low
  2. https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/engines-run-in-travoltas-new-constellation/ I don't really wanna know what kind of light in the loafer shannigans will be taking place on that beautiful constellation. What really impresses me is the BUFF that managed to sneak into the picture.
  3. Maybe the Air Force should start reviewing how to make pilots again, instead of fucking up four day weekends for the troops. Last I heard, there's a pilot shortage and UPT is a cluster fuck.
  4. Biff_T


  5. Civilian traffic isn't normally cleared through the FRZ (approximately 15 NMs around DCA). The civilian traffic that flies through the airspace within 30 NMs of DC, must have special training and a clearance to enter the SFRA. They basically treat 30 NMs within DCA like Bravo. I believe they will provide flight following for the higher flying civilian traffic but helos are generally too low on the radar.
  6. You ask for specific routes or zones with tower prior to executing them. Example: "Tower, Biff 28 Cabin John, 1, 4, 3 to Andrews". From what I remember, there were only military, gov agency and police helicopters. No tourists. Balt-Wash_Heli (2).pdf
  7. Thanks. I guess they're gonna be stuck at the regionals for life. Regional scum! Long Live Compass!
  8. Somebody refresh my memory but isn't the CRJ900 at Delta flown by mainline Delta crews? If so, at least they're already at the majors. You gotta land all of your kickflips at the regionals to have any chance of going to the majors.
  9. Biff_T


    This song would be bad ass coupled with a video of death from above, courtesy of the USAF, USN, USMC and USA.
  10. POW camp at SERE will be more fun if you do.
  11. https://www.foxnews.com/us/police-arrest-alleged-leader-anarchist-vegan-cult-tied-series-crimes-including-cbp-agent-murder Trans vegan cult. I believe this to be a WTF.
  12. Flares are for pussies!
  13. Watch me do a kick flip.
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