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Everything posted by Biff_T

  1. The shroom master strikes again!
  2. They seem to beleive this somewhere that rhymes with Middle East.
  3. I'm celebrating these warriors this weekend. Gone but not forgotten!
  4. I've learned a lot about the KOA life today.
  5. I couldn't resist.... This. 100%
  6. It's an AMC thing.
  7. This. Dems fake Catlics. Translation from bad Irishly accented English: Catholics in name only. I've never met a real Catholic that says abortion is cool. Biden is not a real Catholic. He's a bag of lies like all of those other Catholics that support his beleifs. He'll say anything to get a vote. Catholic is also like the word Jew. It defines an ethnicity based on religion. Someone could be raised Catholic and identify that way in a research poll, but have never stepped foot into a church. Im Catholic and haven't attended mass since 1998. I still believe what I was taught, based off of being raised that way and Identify as Catholic but I like to do non Catholic things. Those boys coming from down south are hard core Catholics. Even the bad ones.
  8. Bus in some Mexicans. They vote with Jesus and make lots of good Catholic babies.
  9. Nothing is __________. It's just not easy sometimes.
  10. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆. .....😉
  11. Im gonna need some more of these because I just pissed myself again! Good thing they're on sale at Target!.. XXL maximum depends... How does one become the XXL size 44 underwear model for depends?... Asking for a friend
  12. Is human "poop" cool? I'm one of those guys.
  13. Make your own state laws before they get there and don't let them change it.
  14. JFC. Has a Horizon/Alaska Pilot gone missing by chance? Don't do shrooms and fly people. It's easy
  15. ? Remember to use the right day's codes....👌 perhaps 🤔. @tac airlifter I'm pretty sure you know how to use one of those.
  16. I think they will have a friend named Biff for life.. They are doing their job. Sometimes that shit is hard. I will back anyone who has the nuts to sign that.
  17. Makes me proud to be an American!
  18. Yes sir! They were still wearing little SAC (sts) patches under the AMC badge..One thing about flying with all those old SAC dudes, is I knew how to make my 69 pounds of paper pubs flawless. They really liked looking at those write in changes. They also made sure I knew my shit.. I think the MAC dudes that are still left in AMC are wanna be SAC and they give out Q3s for personal reasons and not because your pubs or you suck as an aviator.
  19. Maybe they do this so they dont bounce to the Majors as easily? Or it at least throws a small pebble in the road........ if you're at the interview, they want you. Not a lot of Q3s in my dirty little end of the 11H community. Usually given if you crashed (at fault) or blew up an engine, etc... When I was a boom (man 😢 tear), Q3s were given quite often.. in all crew positions. I think it was all those GD left over SAC Warriors!
  20. They are importanting a fuck ton (prior enlisted measurement) of extremely right wing Catholic conservatives to California. The Hispanics have actually moved into a few neighborhoods near me and even on my street. I go to the same church as most of them. They are shooting themselves in the foot in the long-term. Lol.. that tells me they're (super Libs) really stupid. Really stupid. No shit. So stupid, I quit getting mad at it here in CA as they (super libs (mostly rich) start to leave the state. The meek shall inherit California. Biff will be surfing, calling "DIBS" on baseops.net and eating tacos.
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