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Everything posted by Biff_T

  1. Come on man! Every suspected criminal in America gets a chance to have their lawyers comb through the crime scene before the cops do (lol). Besides, even if Joey B did take a few little TS items home, he's used to doing a little jail time for all of the times he stood up for African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement. He was also locked up in Africa during a visit to see Nelson Mandela. He's a tough dude. First Biden in a 1,000 years to attend college. He's from coal mining blood. He's one tough SOB. Oh yeah, and he's a compulsive liar with a crack head son, who's clearly a person kept propped up by using the Biden last name to do business deals. I wonder how much crack was smoked in the vault (Biden's garage)? Come on man, it's just a few secrets.
  2. An AC-130 guy I flew with said they made an entire schoolbus full of bad guys go away on one mission. The AC-130 is the Angel of Death.
  3. We will not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate among us those who do. Except for the President. https://www.aei.org/op-eds/santos-must-have-learned-from-biden-how-to-make-up-details-about-his-past/
  4. I'll fight for Orange County lol. Or maybe just move to Costa Rica? There are plenty of Chinese and Chinese Americans already living here in OC and LA. Red China would probably do a better job taking care the homeless problem. Lol.
  5. Liverpool sucks right now 😕 The Premier League is pretty good this year.
  6. It's all starting to make sense. 😆
  7. I'm not a sailor but I have a cousin who was in the Navy for 7 months (currently works at 7/11) and he told me that his cousin Dale saw the MP snorting a few lines of the vaccine before he stepped.
  8. I like how she's using a gas stove. That must have been extremely hard to cook with all of those poisonous fumes.
  9. It wasn't It depression, it was Covid. I know because I use the word Science when I can't explain something or I simply don't want the truth to be told because it goes against what my team believes. It was Covid - Science Changing definitions - Science Woman who support women's rights but she can't define what a woman is - Science You can only be racist if you're white - Science (btw, I'm not racist I know a lot of white people) Life begins when we say so - Science I like Science. These guys (sexless humanoids) need to quit abusing that word.
  10. I use it to wrap Christmas presents.
  11. I never thought I'd get a 1/4 chub looking at the new airline thread. Five stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
  12. When I was in, the "yes" men (men- genderless humanoids for sensitive people) seemed to push whatever shit came their way. There was very little push back (if any), even if the tasker was ridiculous and there weren't enough bodies to fly and plan tea parties. Regardless of how stupid the tasking was. If leadership said so, then we must do it. No questions asked. More often than not, they seemed more excited to do meaningless taskers than to fly a low level NVG formation sortie in the mountains (fun tasking lol). Bronze stars for the power point warriors! The kind of humanoids that like to punish you for not wearing a reflective belt during the invasion of a sovereign country, are the same breed of leaders who were on the Covid vaccine patrol. Good thing the Iraqis didn't see us without our reflective belts! Good leadership looks after their people. They don't try to fck them over every chance they get. Leadership 101. Nothing quite like getting Chiefed after flying for 30 days straight following the Mar 20, 2003 invasion. It's like they had no idea that we were invading a sovereign country, they were just infatuated with making you wear that reflective belt to the chow hall.
  13. https://nypost.com/2023/01/12/canadian-school-demands-dress-code-after-trans-teacher-controversy/ I found out the problem with the education system here in Murica. We need more "extremely effective" teachers like this good hearted woman. "What is a woman? I don't know."- Party of Science.
  14. Some people are into pain for pleasure.
  15. 😆 🤣 😂
  16. Do you have to be married to take the 12 weeks of baby leave? If not, you could go to your favorite SE Asian country, Eastern Europe, Colombia and etc..to raw dog some chicks a few times a year. Have them popping out kids like a factory, getting a few extra months off a year. Dudes like Nick Cannon, with 12 kids, would have a lot of time to relax on Uncle Sugar's dime. The secret is not having the babies in the US. That way you can avoid child support. You can use the bonus to help pay for all of the travel costs. Lol
  17. Standing by for them to find out that he's really been dead since 2019 and they've been pulling a "Weekend at Bernie's" on us this whole time.
  18. "Air Missions". What if you're not doing a mission? Maybe it's just a training sortie. I'm offended that they assume everyone that is flying is performing an operational mission. That's cultural appropriation. Really? Airmen is offensive? They should have changed it to Notice to Flying Genderless Humanoids. Fking Nerds Afterthought: Special consideration required operating the air machines, or simply SCROTAMs would ensure that nobody gets gender involved with flying duties. Make sure to check the SCROTAMs before you step.
  19. Body by AMC. Lol They should've brought back the bike test. Nothing quite like getting an excellent immediately after smoking a few Marlboro Red 100s.
  20. Some jackass turned on the sprayers without having the CSO scan for cameras. There will be an FCIF released.
  21. She's definitely an Enid 10!
  22. Lol You can take the CSO out of the Navigator but you can't take the Navigator out of the CSO.
  23. "And she lets me know that she loves me hard"- Brad My favorite quote
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