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Everything posted by Biff_T

  1. Somewhere there is a crew trying to find their boom operator. I think I woke up like that a few times.
  2. The government is a joke. Especially, at the federal level. Everything is politicized and used in the next election. What do you expect from our leadership? Guidance that makes sense. Come on man. I'm more worried about what pronoun to use on myself than covid. Lol
  3. I remember the fog. Especially that night. I'm glad those guys made it back. Grunts of the sky!
  4. I was in KC-10s as a boom and flying in Iraq that day/night April 6th and 7th and we lost a receiver. F-15E. On that specific day I refueled a RC-135, a few flights of A-10s and one F-15E (looked in my log book). We had to descend for some A-10s and I asked what they were up to. The flight lead said "Do you see that dam down there? We just took out a AAA peice on it". My AC was a little concerned because we had to get pretty low for those guys. During the shock and awe portion if OIF I remember refueling A-10s, F-16s, F-15Es, Tornadoes, Harriers, and etc...Fully loaded. A lot of the time, the pilots would be breathing pretty heavily when they returned with their wings empty. That was if you could hear them on the interphone. On one mission a viper guy told me they were "Killing guys in a graveyard". It was a Full Metal Jacket moment for me lol. I guess this is what they were up to in between refueling? Get some!
  5. This would piss a lot of people off and be detrimental to the US economy.
  6. Yes. That is called nature.
  7. This is the type of war I wouldn’t want to fight. Knowing that your luck/skill would eventually not be enough to survive is not good way to live. One day we'll be involved in a near peer war and it is going to suck for a lot of people.
  8. Maybe more than two. You can fit at least seven midgets under that desk. On another note. Anyone notice that giant coin collection behind him? 🤔
  9. I can't remember if it was legal but we may have strapped a fat dude down with a cargo strap. Another time we did a medevac and I asked the nurse what was wrong with the patient and the nurse replied "He's a disgusting fat body". The patient was sitting right below us on the floor. He didn't seem to disagree.
  10. Touche. I guess it was easier for me to not care while deployed.
  11. Cool. I don't like chucking spears at people I don't know. I can't imagine it's a good time to be a commander. At least we had deployments to escape the queep. Too many people hanging around the squadron can't be that much fun.
  12. I say we make him go to SOS in residence, after he does it in correspondence of course.
  13. He has his nose in the wrong spot. That's not where the good stuff is.
  14. I'll take two if it's the chick. Lol
  15. I'm not bashing the dude. Just an observation from an outsider looking in. I don't remember watching incoming WG/CC videos though.
  16. This is obviously pure speculation and by no means am I trying to figure out what happened. But... - That guy sounds too calm to have had a CO Pilot jump out of the plane. He (AC) may have balls of steel but grown men have "frozen up" in flight for lesser emergencies. I'm just saying (lol), - Unless... he had a plan? If he planned it he would be calm, simply because he is a pilot/aviator. How calm are aviators that have plans vs those who don't? - This is a crime of passion lol - That is a bad way to die.
  17. This guy leans left (he's fat too) but he can roast people with the best of them. I feel like he should have taught UPT lol. Also reminds me of the old boom operators when I was a young airman. They were brutal but they took care of us. Come to think of it, he kind of looks like a few of them as well.
  18. Maybe he didn't want to do SOS?
  19. KIKR does that to people. That dude is not going to recognize what the AF has become. He's like a time capsule.
  20. Is in normal to make fluff videos for new commanders? I don't know the guy but it seems a bit weird to make a video praising what a good commander you're going to be.
  21. "Hey CO, do you mind taking a look at our gear? Don't worry about latching in. I promise I'll keep it straight and level."
  22. I've realized that I started to turn things political. Back to being a mouth breather.
  23. Yeap. There should be a ticket system to get released in a swap. Kinda like at the BX barber shop. Or here is a good idea. Don't go to Russia with illegal drugs. Homie (Vlad) don't play that. I really don't know what happened to our "leadership" but it definitely feels like the priorities of our Federal government are out of touch with reality. What exactly do we get for them? How much money are we spending trying to get them home. How many homeless people took a dump last night on the streets of So Cal (mucho if you're curious, those aren't beans). I don't know what happened to pronouns. Apparently those are a big deal too. I'm not cool anymore. 😕
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