RANT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kingpin.....let me be the last one to make this point to you all again. Aircrew are motivated about our Kick-@$$ job. Here's the part we aren't motivated about. CBRNE CBT's, Fire Extinguisher CBT's, Human Trafficing CBT's, SARC briefs every 3 months, Self Aide Buddy care every 3 months, having to go to finance to get our travel voucher straight, let alone paid....MPF taking 3 hours to get a simple DEERS update done because they only have 2 people working, and they both don't know d!ck about how to do their job....the flight kitchen having to be called 6 times about meals that should have been delivered 1 hour before take off so we don't have to explain why we were late taking off. Oh yeah, and the silverware in the box nasty, and the correct meal...I mean I know it's hard to fix 2 meals for a crew and not screw it up, but give me a break.
Aircrew are tired of doing everyone elses job when our primary job is to FLY. And your primary job is to either update DEERS, make a friggin sandwich correctly, or not F--- up my pay because you don't know how to do your G-- D--- JOB.
RANT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit cause I type fast and don't spell good when I'm pissed.