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Everything posted by capt4fans

  1. I was ten, and now I have a 5 year old, a 3 year old, and a 14 month old. Just saying.
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/slideshow/entertainment/2010/05/13/thennow-cast-dads/?test=faces#slide=5 Can't post any pictures from here, but here's the link to one who was so-so and is now a hottie.
  3. Fail... Rumack: I won't deceive you, Mr. Striker. We're running out of time. Ted Striker: Surely there must be something you can do. Rumack: I'm doing everything I can... and stop[/bold] calling me Shirley. Back on topic. What's the latest out at the Land of the REMF'S??
  4. Fail...."I am serious... and stop calling me Shirley. "
  5. And I start my sentence there in 17 days.
  6. Barney is the nickname for the C-17 because it's the smaller partner of the C-5 FRED
  7. Almost as busy as I am.
  8. I forget, is it that you don't talk about Chemtrails, or is it that if it's your first time talking about Chemtrails, that you have to leave Chemtrails when you fly in?
  9. From a previous AWACER to a current one. Waldo guess you've heard this phrase a few times huh? "Hey GoatGoat, where's the traffic?" Unwad your panties and and then remember these words that should be posted on top of every Goats console in the back of the Wacker. "GET IN, SIT DOWN, SHUT-UP, HOLD ON"
  10. Nope, but I'm around a bunch of guys frmo there.
  11. Again, nice job of trying to sell out a crew that did nothing wrong. The pothole wasn't NOTAM'ed and the crew did what they should have. As a former HERC guy, I'd think you would have know that, but apparently the transition to Barney has removed the part of your brain that uses common sense.
  12. I'm all for bagging on them for a mistake he made. However, what I'm not all for is you throwing crews under the bus where people were killed. That's a totally different scenario, and you're a douche for even bringing up Jackson Hole. People died on those missions and you're an ass for even comparing a gear up landing to an airplane that was destroyed and killed most/if not all aboard.
  13. Only if they catch you.
  14. If by "up there" you mean where we can taxi without using full power on the engines, then the view's just fine.
  15. So, you see, both Dunn and I were under Oveur, even though I was under Dunn.
  16. I'm pretty sure your response belongs in the WTF thread, because when I read it, I said, "WTF?"
  17. That's why you go and empty out the pee bottle the minute you're done with it. It also helps the weeds grow around the trailers. Q3 for bad technique. You don't take the whole squadron there at the same time. You should have gradually interspersed them throughout the deployment.
  18. Do you have a copy of the Unifor supplement? Last time I was there, Crocs were allowed. Is that still the case?
  19. Just thought I'd let you all know that we hit 30,000 on the 26th of March. Not even 7 months to that number. Nice job and keep up the good work.
  20. Thread revival. Any latest news on the Uniform Regs at the Deid. Headed that way for a summer tour and want to see what I'm in store for.
  21. Sergeant Brown, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  22. I was totally kidding about banning Kuma. I have no opinion either way. I just wanted to say fuck on the boards.
  23. For once I agree with Vertigo, where's the fucking response to ban Kuma??? I mean for fuck's sake!!!!
  24. If he'd been wearing a reflective belt, he simply would have had the plane bounce off of him.
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