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Everything posted by kchsload

  1. Came across these articles while while doing some thesis research, thought i'd share. Cliff Notes: 1. Beijing asking Russia for Su-35 Super Flankers due to an inability to use the word engineer without using reverse in the same sentence: https://the-diplomat.com/flashpoints-blog/2012/03/04/china%E2%80%99s-sukhoi-submission/ 2. China's fighters suck and will get their ass handed to them by the USAF (surprise!): https://the-diplomat.com/flashpoints-blog/2011/03/10/chinas-fighters-wont-match-us/
  2. WOW, on the opposite end of the US's politically correct spectrum: Ban on 'nasty' family planning slogans Agence France-Presse in Beijing Updated on Feb 28, 2012 Beijing is ordering local officials to stop using threatening slogans to enforce its strict “one-child” policy, state media has reported. The government wants to ban slogans like: “Kill all your family members if you don't follow the rule” and “We would rather scrape your womb than allow you to have a second child,” the Shanghai Daily said at the weekend. China, the world's most populous country with more than 1.3 billion people, introduced the “one-child” policy in 1979. Despite calls for relaxation, mainland officials say the policy is still needed, claiming over-population threatens the country's development. But the National Population and Family Planning Commission aims to prevent zealous local authorities from offending the public or worsening social tensions with “nasty” slogans, the newspaper said. Several referred to forced sterilisation â one slogan said: “If you don't have your tubes tied, your house will be demolished.” “Once you are captured, your tubes will be tied. Should you escape, we'll hunt you down. If you attempt suicide, we'll offer you either the rope or a bottle of poison,” read another. The newspaper gave no indication of where the slogans were used. China, under a 1980 policy designed to control its population, permits most couples to have only one child, an approach critics charge is backed with forced sterilisations and abortions. Some experts say the “one-child” policy has turned into a demographic time bomb as the population ages, storing up huge economic and social problems for the country as well as fostering a gender imbalance. Given the traditional preference for sons, sex-specific abortions occur and female infanticide and the abandoning of baby girls have also been reported. New slogans which have received the government's nod of approval include: “Caring for a girl means caring for the future of the nation,” the newspaper said, in an effort to encourage families to raise daughters.
  3. Granted the source is not something that I would bet my life on nor trust to the "t," but doesn't just about every news source have an agenda these days? Like I said, I'm all about cutting the budget and everyone doing their part to get it to a sustainable amount but increasing a single fee by up to 70 some-odd percent in a year, then up to triple the original amount by 2017?? Come on, there's got to be better programs and fat to cut that would save a metric shlt ton more that this. Here's a less "ridiculously biased" source: https://warnerrobinspatriot.com/bookmark/17668461-Obama-budget-carries-higher-health-med-coverage-costs-for-military-retirees And a write up of Dempsey's commenets on the matter: https://www.govexec.com/pay-benefits/2012/02/dempsey-troops-weve-heard-your-concerns-tricare-fees/41257/
  4. Doubt it'll pass as it has to be approved by Congress. I'm all for cutting the defense budget back a bit as the wars end but this may go a little too far if the Pentagon wants to maintain some resemblance of the increasingly scant military benefits everyone was entitled to when they signed on. https://freebeacon.co...ashing-tricare/
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