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Everything posted by tankass

  1. I haven't taken the opportunity to bitch about this yet, so I'll do that now - the TL;DR version: drugs are bad, don't do drugs, m'kay? The way I understand it: at the time my NGB package and waiver request were under review (Sep 2013), there was an inconsistency between ANG and USAF policy. ANG said < 12x is waiverable and USAF said > 1x is DQing. My package was rejected (sts) due to confusion over the inconsistent policy, and my SQ/CC reattacked. The policies were brought into agreement and my self-admitted > 1x DQ'd me. Not sure if my experience is common or just a one-off. The final explanation I was given for my DQ was that marijuana experimentation > 1x, even if it was in high school over 10 years prior to commissioning, was behavior inconsistent with serving as an officer. 1x is waiverable; anything beyond that is DQing. I was fed several lines by officers and recruiters toward the end of the years-long process of applying, interviewing, enlisting, waiting around, FC1, TS, waiting around, DQ, waiting around and separation: 1) I probably should have lied about it from the start (poor SA on my part), 2) I never should have been interviewed by a single fighter squadron (or 5) based on my honest reply to the prior use question, 3) I should stick to getting f*#&amp;ed up on alcohol, 4) at least I have a TS and 5) timing/luck is everything. I honestly thought I could get the kill, but despite the ass pain, I'm thankful I wasn't waved off before making a pass at getting hired. I met some truly kick ass, amazing people and had some unforgettable experiences. But... I never got the chance to take the controls of a USAF aircraft, so I lost. Best of luck, and thanks to those who offered advice along the way
  2. All correct. The way I understand it, the point is to ingest the allergen. You are essentially tricking your immune response into recognizing the pollen as a food, and not an allergen. Once the immune response is trained, the body will no longer react to the allergen with histamines and will basically ignore its presence. Same thing is used for poison ivy. I've reacted to poison ivy for years and it's awful. A few years ago, I found a product called Oral Ivy which is tinctured poison ivy oil. You mix it in small amounts with water and drink once or twice a day for a few months in the off-season. The next time you're exposed to the plant's oils, you don't react. I never would have believed it if I hadn't tried it myself. Doesn't work with peanuts...
  3. The WG/CC. ETA: Strong neg support for ETP.
  4. I'm at the end of the road, facing DQ and separation, so any help/advice is appreciated. TIA. I've just been DQ'ed for prior minor marijuana use that I fully disclosed every time the question was asked since day 1. I was selected for pilot, enlisted with my ANG unit, completed FC-1, have a fully adjudicated TS and was waiting for NGB approval and AMS/UPT dates when the DQ came down. Is an ETP request an option for me in this situation? Since I'm facing separation, I feel like I have nothing to lose in trying. Any suggestions/ideas? Thanks, guys.
  5. ^^^^ paid for by https://www.naafa.org
  6. My apparently atypical experience for a first-time TS: - Case opened 1 June 2013 - Interview 2 Jul - Adjudicated approx 15 Oct Take it FWIW and good luck.
  7. Apparent video of the pilot being plucked out by the Coasties from Elizabeth City
  8. tankass

    Gun Talk

    Anybody seen this yet or had the chance to operate it? At $22,000 a pop, all I need to do is sell my truck and pick up an extra job for a few months, and it'll be MINE! ETA: Pretty sure Predator got his hands on the shoulder-mounted v2.0.
  9. tankass

    Gun Talk

    Palmetto State Armory has AR15 lower receivers in stock for $120 as of 1830h Eastern on Saturday. Not a terrible price considering the panic that still hasn't really subsided. Ordered two this afternoon.
  10. Splash one!
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