Hi All,
New to the forum so bear with me please. I'll keep it short and simple.
Here's the deal, I'm working on becoming a pilot(leaning more towards AF), I'll be starting AFROTC in a year when I go into my junior year of college, I have a good GPA, 20 years old, no criminal past, etc. I have it all mapped out basically. However my eyesight is horrible, to say the least. My Rx is -8.25 in right eye and -7.25 in the left one (around 20/800 in both). Two weeks ago I scheduled a consultation with a laser eye center to find out if I was a candidate for LASIK or PRK, turns out I am and all is good. But..Long story short: Pre-Op refractive error limit is what's keeping me up at night. My question to you all is: Do I have ANY chance of getting a waiver given my refractive error? Are these limits written in stone or is there any leeway for someone who is right on the limit or slightly past it?
I'll be getting my cycloplegic refraction exam done this Tuesday by the way.
Anyway I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys could shed some light on my situation so I can hopefully start eating again haha. Thanks guys.