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Lord Ratner

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Lord Ratner last won the day on December 7 2024

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  1. That's what I'm doing. Nothing to do with fires, it's just a superior home to live in.
  2. That's a pretty hot take. The problem in California was that they didn't have enough tax money? I think at this point it's pretty obvious that there's nowhere in the country that doesn't have enough tax money. It is purely and entirely a function of choosing to spend it on the immediate gratification of social programs and neglecting the boring and unrewarding work of preventing catastrophes. "No one cares about the bomb that didn't go off." -Tenet
  3. Doesn't matter. If the insurance company won't cover the house, then the bank won't lend the money. The problem will solve itself.
  4. The never trumpers are absolutely desperate for this to be some sort of Nazi thing, considering they've been fantasizing about Nazis in the Republican party for the last couple election cycles. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the world's richest internet troll did this on purpose. Also super genius billionaires do have a tendency to lose their mind, so who knows.. But it doesn't take a lot of mental horsepower to realize that the most likely answer is not that Elon musk is a secret Nazi.
  5. Those were really good cops. And for a drink mess, she was pretty controlled. I prefer the first one 😂
  6. Hook 'em All!! ☠️🏴‍☠️
  7. I like her 😂🤣
  8. The guy had the balls to go public against the crap we have been complaining about for years, but that's a bad thing now? There's definitely a retard in this conversation...
  9. This is a great analysis, but you left out one key point that I fear might be more causal than anything else you wrote. The people at the top instituting these policies made it to where they are specifically because of their ability to master the very insignificant processes that we're talking about. You are asking them to admit that the very core of their success, and thus their identity, is not only irrelevant, but detrimental to the real mission of killing our enemies and breaking their things. They will never do that.
  10. Some people (who aren't dinosaurs like you 😂🤣) thought that skeletor was referring to the guy who followed Mosley, I forget his name, but he was another skeleton-looking mother fucker.
  11. Way, way earlier than we all thought. The longer I was in, the more I realized the "good dudes" who became bad leaders were just pretending all along.
  12. Don't backpedal.
  13. Oh? Please explain more. I'm from California and my cousin's house just went up in flames. Doesn't mean I'm a little bitch when someone tells a joke online. It was funny and I laughed. It didn't make her house burn any more or less, and I didn't forward the meme to her. And it doesn't matter what state it happens in. You are literally in a joke thread, which you noted and yet still somehow feel the need to be the fun police.
  14. Humor doesn't have a buffer, and the joke didn't target any specific vulnerable person. And people are fighting for their lives all over the world. Just keep scrolling if you didn't like the joke.
  15. A VPN is almost always a waste of money if you are using it for privacy or security. They are great tools for logging into a remote work site and getting things done as if you were there. And they are good at bypassing low-security location based firewalls. But there are a million other ways to track you, and the information is for sale. So even if you use a VPN to hide the destination of your web traffic, and https to hide the content, your device ID, login cookies, MAC addresses, or other identifiable items will link you to one of your many advertiser profiles, and the bad-actor can just buy that and see where you've been.
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