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Lord Ratner

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Lord Ratner last won the day on February 25

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  1. Dang, those are nice, but not made for the 1894. I wonder if the stocks from the 1894 and 1895 are interchangable
  2. That's exactly what I'm leaning towards right now. I like the length, the action is smooth, and the large loop feels good. I just wish they made the Trapper with woodgrain furniture instead of black. Also, that's the SBL, not the Trapper, right? The trapper doesn't have the pic rail.
  3. Yeah I already have a revolver in 357, so that's what the lever gun will be chambered in. I also want it threaded since 357 is rather quiet through a can.
  4. Lever guns, whaddya guys got? I'm looking for something in .357/.38. I'm leaning towards the Ruger Marlin 1894 Trapper, but it's so dang expensive I'm also thinking about some of the Turkish guns that have decent reviews like G-Force. Just looks like fun to shoot, and something a little different from the click click click of firing a semi-auto.
  5. @Sua Sponte I know you, dude, and I know you're one of the good guys. I do sincerely hope that you aren't fired and caught up in this churn.
  6. From the CBO: "Benefits also constituted a larger share of total compensation for federal workers (40 percent) than for workers in the private sector (30 percent)." https://www.cbo.gov/publication/60235 So $106,382 = Total Compensation x .60 Total compensation = $177,303 So I undershot the actual number by $50,000 🤣😂. My bad. So we really only need to lose 3k employees to make up the $10M "wasted" on this assignment.
  7. Assuming $125,000 per year as the average cost of a federal employee (which seems low with all the available benefits and potential retirements, only a ~4,200 reduction in the workforce would make up the $10M/week
  8. Implying that the government civilian workforce is working so thoroughly and efficiently that there is not 10 minutes per week in their schedule to add a simple repetitive task is quite the assumption. Some are. Most are not.
  9. Or, arguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon. You just knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like you won the match. There are more interesting people to converse with here. Though you are occasionally amusing.
  10. The one Zelensky fucked up? I'm one of the more pro-funding-Ukraine people here, but that was an absolute dumpster fire. What did he think his job at that meeting was? Just because your flag is raised to the same height doesn't make you peers with the US. He knew the starting positions of Trump and Vance, and he should have known Trump's disposition towards flatter, and he decided to press. I'm not saying he's factually wrong, but his job at that meeting wasn't to be the debate champion. I wish this was just Trump playing 4D chess to get the Europeans to take over funding Ukraine, but it's not. Trump's first impeachment made Zelensky the enemy, and he's looking for any reason to embarrass him. Zelensky failed the test. However the end result may still be that the Europeans finally take ownership of their sphere of influence.
  11. If you don't know anything about the person, why waste our time quoting him? It's one thing to quite someone relevant, otherwise this is like your drunk father in law forwarding spam email chains. The whole point of a message board is to make articulate points. If you watched the video, articulate your point. Then you didn't have to deal with quoting racists or morons.
  12. Good thing we took $12B in debt to buy the stock at much higher prices!
  13. A much better source. And, by the way, I agree with them.
  14. I think the more relevant point is if the only people you can find to support your position are racists, there aren't enough people supporting your position. Just find better supporters. It's the Internet. Sure, the line between eugenics and racism is fuzzy, but he was using a pseudonym, so let's not pretend this clown is like Charles Murray. He did also apologize, and young people say dumb shit. But, find a better spokesperson
  15. The R model tanker engines are super low to the ground, and pod-scrapes are one of the highest risks of landing it. Happened a bunch, until they started giving a Q-3 to anyone who did it (at least according to the old farts). Suddenly, pod scrapes are very, very rare. Punishment works, as long as it's for something that should be punished. Crossing an active runway without clearance should at least get your license suspended. And if it's just because you were heads-down, sorry, that's not a good reason. The unions have taken a lot (almost all) of the punishment for bad behavior away at the company level. That's fine, the companies behave badly all the time. But the FAA has gotten lax too. Some things need harsh punishments to keep them rare.
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