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Everything posted by Dingle

  1. so can you guys just pack up any kind of liquid that you want in a special container with a really long straw? side question... pertaining to specialty quals, airdrop, etc: Any weight/value added for what you guys are looking for in U-2 candidates? Or any consideration for having fewer flying hours when holding specialty quals?
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooper%E2%80%93Harper_rating_scale
  3. as the aircraft is flown today, are the control surfaces still so heavy as to require a yoke? or if it was redesigned today would they give it a stick?
  4. tell me you all busted out thriller and got it on video
  5. nice! looks like a modern take on this guy
  6. are guys right now typically sticking with the U-2 for the rest of their careers? are any transferring back to previous MWS's or is that even an option?
  7. no love for hawaii? saw you guys at oshkosh a few years back as well
  8. for those of you that flew the T-38C in pilot training, how do you like the T-38A? Is there anything you like better about it? side note: shit. I will retile the floor and grow the corn for popping for a chance to fly the U-2.
  9. https://www.airspacem...html?c=y&page=3 is this as big an issue still today as the author makes it out to be?
  10. this sounds like the best thing ever to happen at water survival
  11. good story behind that one? they didnt tell us
  12. it was 645 for officers last week, 630 for enlisted
  13. the black watch was only $4 on amazon https://www.amazon.com/Black-Watch-Americas-Secret-Planes/dp/0394575075/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1329783507&sr=1-2 purchased!
  14. interesting, i did some looking around and I can't find anywhere how to contribute to the roth TSP yet... am i right in assuming we cannot do this yet?
  15. i've never heard of/seen one of these in person, what's so great about them?
  16. there's a roth TSP? where is that option under myPay?
  17. great. well i'm finishing up round 1 of sere at the moment... I heard the rivetjoint guys had to go thru some extra stuff so I figured the U-2 guys did as well. SERE in January. FUN TIMES.
  18. Do U-2 pilots go to a supplemental SERE course when they're hired, assuming they went through "normal" SERE beforehand?
  19. /cheer! Looks like it'll still be around in a few years when I'll be qual'd to apply. This is a good day.
  20. we were finalizing the F-22 oriented testing on these at Edwards when I was there in 2009 they're stored internally just like all of the other munitions it can carry
  21. seems to me a swarm of AT-6s (or updated A-10s) makes a lot more sense for marine CAS
  22. The speed limit is 120kts at sea level I believe. Also, I've seen several LSAs sub-40k in decent shape that outperform Cessnas/Pipers. I don't think anyone around here would be stupid enough (or rich enough) to buy a brand new airplane of any kind. I'd also argue that for GA, I don't have a desire to fly IFR or at night 90% of the time. I think the biggest drag involved in buying an LSA is the 2 seat limitation.
  23. anyone familiar with owning in the light-sport category? I know the maintenance and inspection fees are dramatically reduced. obviously the planes are smaller, but they can be just as fast, if not faster, than your average Cessna.
  24. That's what I figured. As much as the recruiters described it as "take a 38 up as much as you want to," I figured there were some more limitations on it, just wasn't sure how strict they were. Also, what type of flights are the local proficiency flights? Is there a lot of formation involved? Acro?
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