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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Doesn't completing ACSC by definition mean you now have a Masters?
  2. another stellar piece of USAF R&D news.... https://defensetech.org/2012/01/30/usafs-big-penetrator-needs-to-be-harder/
  3. damn good question. Old study habits die hard I guess....
  4. I am with you on the eye bleed technique. Passed my first test yesterday & still have two more modules to go. I'd rather pass kidney stones than read this AU Frequent Manhood garbage...but of course, need to check that box....
  5. good, being a reservist, I have a hard time believing my day job would be cool with me spending 8 weeks playing flickerball in Alabama....
  6. anyone else ever have a problem with this statement? To me, it states you have two marginal people to choose from, so let's pick the less marginal one for promotion....I do agree about the master's degree portion. Why they unmasked it for Maj is beyond me....
  7. Similar situation I went through 9 years ago when I initially separated from AD. Was working a deal to basically do my military job as a GS slug & of course, it took awhile. If you see something you like, apply. As you mentioned, it always takes a long while for the government to get off its collective ass, so you have nothing to lose. If you get the job, you can always work something out so the two don't conflict.
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