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17D_guy last won the day on December 15 2020

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About 17D_guy

  • Birthday 06/09/1969

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    ISR Everywhere I go

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  1. Link to all so far. I'm ok with him not releasing the active Intel portions, but I know some on this board won't agree . https://imgur.com/a/breaking-below-is-entire-transcript-of-messages-from-signal-group-chat-just-released-by-jeffrey-goldberg-atlantic-hkD7Cdm Edit - much like the tweet above, the title sucks.
  2. That's exactly what they want, otherwise it's all a TDS deranged journalist. The article clearly said the author was not releasing information because it would put intel & other operations at risk, but I guess that needs to be put out as well. The bias to believe what you want to believe is always strong.
  3. It's been confirmed - https://apnews.com/article/war-plans-trump-hegseth-atlantic-230718a984911dd8663d59edbcb86f2a Not sure what the "or" is and saying "which we do all the time" somehow alleviates this issue, or concern around what happened. But I guess if we talk about deportations instead it's ok?
  4. Texted, not even a secure messaging platform. Thanks @SurelySerious for correcting. What an absolute failure of...everything still stands. Oh, in case you didn't know China's all up in the telecom shit. https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/news/joint-statement-fbi-and-cisa-peoples-republic-china-prc-targeting-commercial-telecommunications BTW, one of the first things killed was the CISA's ability to investigate these giant breaches with subpoena power and name/shame where necessary. They did really good work on the State Dept's breach that Microsoft allowed to happen because MS didn't follow their own guidance - https://www.cisa.gov/resources-tools/resources/CSRB-Review-Summer-2023-MEO-Intrusion The CSRB (Cybersecurity Review Board) was patterned after the NTSB, and was doing really great work. They were in the middle of investigating the China breach of telecom, but now that'll never finish or if it does it'll be years from when the findings will be impactful. They've also killed the coordination groups for headed by DHS/CISA for coordinating among states/counties the threats to critical infrastructure - utilities, elections, etc. This is a legitimate weakening of our nations ability to respond to attacks by nation states on critical infrastructure that is not federally controlled and fun fact: most of it isn't federally controlled. Cyber is very much a team game and losing this guidance and oversight is really crippling. It's hard for me to articulate how much we're losing as a nation with this neutering of CISA. No proof opinion - I think it's because Trump and his cronies are upset DHS/CISA didn't parrot the stolen/hacked election from 2020 bullshit. Edit - at work, just saw the byline and un-paywalled bit. Corrected the messaging platform, everything else is correct about the loss of CISA's capes.
  5. So, the administration is ignoring judges orders now. Guess we all cool with that too since they're not orders we agree with?
  6. I know I'm one of the few liberals on here, but if you watch what Portland does to the rest of Oregon, it's the same thing. "We want a high speed rail line from the rich part of town to downtown Portland." Rest of OR - "WTF, no." Portland (and the leftists): "Too bad, it's green so here's a state tax on it." I don't have time to read the article, plus I'd need to find something on the other side and/or more balanced, but paying for illegal adults who aren't enrolled in some kind of citizenship program and making progress on it...wtf? Doubly so if they're getting paid in cash so those taxes don't even get to come out. I say all that and I was stationed at Vandenberg and had an apartment right across the street from the strawberry fields in Santa Maria. I'd wake up when those dudes had been out there for hours and watch them run to pick fruit. Hardest working people I've ever seen in my life. I was in little Mexico (west side of town) and never had any issues. Even the roughest looking punks were generally nice. Lots of families in my area. YMMV.
  7. https://theaviationist.com/2025/03/13/portugal-f-35-plans/ We'll see if they follow through.
  8. Boomer is a cunt, go figure. 😆🤣
  9. I'm telling you what was reported as the reason.
  10. PACT act passed since then which opened requirements for additional services/claims.
  11. Or probationary, which has zero to do with performance or how long you've worked. But I guess all the civ's are poor performers, or that one guy one time did fraud for a long time, so it's worth it. Also, VA just announced cutting 15% of the work force without any impact to care or services. Guess that's going to be just as successful as these tariffs.
  12. I keep zooming in to check, but they look real.
  13. Thanks forgot about that as well. Had a buddy that took it, but he was done and is making a ton doing cyber stuff outside. I guess that's why I have such a visceral reaction to the other stuff going on, this time period sucked so much. Don't forget PRF's for Capt. Was a ton of fun working joint and the Squids getting pissy because I didn't know how the promotion system worked. As always, fuck the Navy.
  14. 1 person committing fraud, for how many man hours of bullshit dealing with now. Seems like a poor investment/ROI.
  15. In addition to what @Biff_T said, they also got rid of those non-promotable majors...like 200 of them with like 90 days notice? I can't remember the timelines. My boss got the shove, but he was a supreme dirtbag so no love lost there. I asked him what he was going to do, and he said, "Drive big rigs, I don't want to be responsible for anybody." Which explained soooooooooooooo much. You'll get the ole' phrase "do more with less" a lot, a "focus on efficiency" as we "transition to a whole warfighter/airmen concept." Which just means Personnel, Finance, and MSG will help you even less, additional duties will come back with a vengeance. Probably lose Sq. orderly rooms again. That time really fucking sucked. I retired in 2020 and it seemed like the AF was finally getting back to being itself after 18 years. I enlisted in 1999. Oh, I would also say it's probably 2 years away. That was the lag from 2008 recession to the Tea Party bullshit, to the RIF's.
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