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Everything posted by 17D_guy

  1. And the Right was just sitting there as innocent as can be, doing nothing at all and getting sucker punched by the big mean left. 😢
  2. I live in UT, where it's been mail-in for a while now. I will get my ballots no later than 9 Oct (I think). I can mail them in anytime up to election day, and I can drop them off any time up to election day. They did send out warnings that if they're mailed on election day they might not get counted if they're delayed, or something happens. Love my 1st Amendment, but I like the way the UK does election day. No reporting on it until the polls close in all districts. Would suck for our East Americans, but addresses the, "why bother" if someone appears to be down and a area hasn't counted a ton of ballots. I guess I should add that I heard that was the status in the UK, but now I'm thinking it might be Australia...shit, I don't know.
  3. Is it the AIB that gets released to the unwashed masses? Dude was from where I retired to, the Americans here honored his final return very well.
  4. Holy Fuck...that is perfect.
  5. 17D_guy

    F1 Thread

    I thought this was a good breakdown of the backmarkers issues with the way the restart happened. https://imgur.com/gallery/wNhC5Kh
  6. While I was AD still (about 31 days ago) cyber/comm had started to push along these lines, but seems to have stalled. Each DT 2 (or 4, can't remember) Year Groups would have their records gone through and be ranked top/middle/bottom. It would also include generic vectors/advice for career improvement. The sig block would also indicate which group your packages were evaluated by so you could (theoretically) call one of the Col's up for feedback. Any of you guys have this? I'd be shocked if it was my AFSC only. It was a good start to getting the career-feedback process right, because Sq/CC's seem to know fuck-all about it unless they're a 3%'er. My first 3 Sq/CC's did, and it led to me planning, and pushing correctly (plus coattails). I've had 1 that didn't, and their guidance sucked (along with their general CC abilities). Because I knew that placement (top 3rd), had feedback from my boss (Lt Col) and his boss (Col), I knew what was the likely outcome for the next 5 years. It didn't work for my family, and I punched. Dream was to be a Sq/CC, got to be a DO...it's ok! AF changed their promotion timelines, and I didn't want to be exiting service at 45-yrs-old coming off my first command tour (maybe). OODA looped my future, and the outside world is so nice. Telling someone they suck is easy; telling them why and how to improve it for a future career in the USAF is challenging since things keep changing.
  7. Check sarcasm detector! 😄
  8. So do you have a refutation for the post, or just gonna run away with your feelings hurt appealing to some supposed future moral superiority? It was well laid out, even had pictures for our presidential types, and has sources. Dude's not a robot, and is passionate about it. "It" being not killing old people with our selfishness. But whatever, you do you from 6ft away and/or with a mask please.
  9. Let us know how the next, "You could do so much better with more pieces of flair" initial/mid-term feedback goes.
  10. Isn't this what Texas, and to some degree (or not) FL and GA did? I was still in San Antonio during the first 1/2 of this year, and we locked down really hard. Then like...a month later the oil prices started to drop and the "hoax crew" came out, and Abott started opening everything up again. Despite local leaders asking him not to yet, especially in Houston and San Antonio.
  11. Never heard of this dude, thanks for sharing.
  12. I do remember he was apparently good with David Duke's endorsement until he said he wasn't, but wouldn't disavow it again when proof couldn't be found.
  13. My info's about 5 years old, but we rented a house from a dude that had been there for 7 years, went overseas...and came back. Omaha is great though.
  14. Do you have anything showing this was "wildly overused" by the Obama administration. Given this was a new level of interference by a formidable state actor, with a willing and compliant candidate and transition team...what options would you suggest the current President use? Don't act like historical norms should be adhered to, this was new ground. I've gone through the Intelligence training on collection and the other things you mention. You're acting like it got brought up to the Honorable Appointees and they went, "Republican? Fuck em."
  15. Yep, any day now it should be over just like he said. We just need those bleach drinks and anal light probes.
  16. 17D_guy

    F1 Thread

    Not a long time fan, but reading through the history and watching old races. I can appreciate coming into this amazing dominant era of Mercedes...and agree that it makes the front boring. Of course my NASCAR-loving friend says the same thing about dudes winning tons of races over there. It seems like the commentary during the race had good coverage of the midfield?
  17. Dude, he does it to everyone. It's not some pre-thought out plan to troll...he says dumb shit like a Lt fighting the debrief. There's no though to it outside, "Get out of trouble/say something "smart"/slam the person mean to me." People still acting like this dude has a plan...how? There's been things he's said that has freaked out Ben Shapiro, the folks over at FoxNews, and Drudge. Real bastions of SJW thought. Unless we've now changed the story and all media is against him?
  18. That's wisdom right there folks.
  19. The train will not be derailed for the golden children! https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/08/19/inspectors-said-her-toxic-leadership-was-worst-seen-20-years-she-just-became-1-star.html?
  20. Seems like something the current President could jump all over if he was serious about it...but he's really not.
  21. 17D_guy

    F1 Thread

    Watched this with my daughter. Both loved it.
  22. 17D_guy

    F1 Thread

    Saw this on the Netflix show. It was insane, but figured it was in for nostalgia/tradition sake. Wasn't picking up the same vibes from this track.
  23. 17D_guy

    F1 Thread

    Vettel seems very pissed off. Interesting to see if they capture any of it on Netflix. Hamilton broke some records...that's cool. Track seemed way too small, but I'm new.
  24. Cool story bro.
  25. I think this is the wrong question. It's what moderates are saying about them in comparison to Trump and Pence, and their current/past achievements and failures. We're not electing in a vacuum, this is politics and Biden just picked a black woman as his VP. "BuT tHaT's RaCiSt/SeXiSt!" Whatever, it's political. "Uncle Joe" is trying to shore up what he sees as some weaknesses in his elect-ability as well as a VP he can work with. Same thing Trump did with Pence, and so on down the line. For those screaming about it...did the VP pick really sway you one way or the other? Did Palin when McCain picked her? Did you cry the same thing then?
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